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Posts posted by OLDGREGG

  1. Evadale is a great team, and I honestly believe that if Kountze didnt have Franklin, Marshall, or Lognion on the mound then the Rebels would probably beat Kountze. But if Kountze did indeed pitch one of those three then Evadale would have little to no chance. Not knocking the Rebels at all, just my honest, realistic opinion. Good luck to Evadale the rest of the season.
  2. 3rd grade was 51 yrs ago.... Didn't know spelling counts off, if so go chastise someone who really gives a $hit cuz I don't >>beings your a deputy are in charge of handling spelling violations, Barrny?????????????????

    Lol you would have to read one of the threads over on the football board to get the 3rd grade joke deputy is making.
  3. My opinion will not be popular, but I think he is taking the easy way out. You make promises to these young men, you start to build a program and try to teach them how to be a man - and then boom when things look rough ahead you bail on them. Oh you say I'll make more money - blah-blah-blah but you'll always have issues to deal with.
    I remember Groveton growing up was powerful every year. Their program had stability and a coach that cared about more than "having to stripe a field". You think they had down years as far as athletes go? Yea, but their program carried them through. Those coaches are still out there and surprisedly those programs are successful. I think of Coach Hooks (WO-S), Coach Matthews (Vidor), Coach Williams (Evadale) and you could go on and on.
    I have no problem with a young coach making some moves early in their career. Oftentimes you have to move somewhere you don't want to be to get a shot at being the head coach. But eventually it would seem that you would want to settle and put your stamp on a program. This just wreaks to me that when things were about to get tough - he just tucked tail and ran. Don't know the guy, and don't have kids in either district. Again, I know this opinion won't be popular but it's my thoughts on the move.

    I understand what you're saying but the man has to do what is best for him and his family. This is his JOB we are talking about here. And we don't know what reason's he left D-ville. In the coaching business there are many different factors that determine whether you stay at a school or go somewhere else.
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