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Posts posted by OLDGREGG

  1. [/quote]
    How do you figure Buna will be over HF? HF beat them all 3 times they played last year and from what I've heard the ole freshman from last year no longer goes to buna (maybe it was just a rumor i could be wrong) and they also lost their number 2 pitcher. HF will have every pitcher from last year returning and an even stronger infield. The top 3 teams for 21-3A will be BC Silsbee and HF as for the order of who gets first second and third that is a toss up.
    That is correct, buna lost the freshman and his older brother to Kountze. They also lost about 3 or 4 other key players due to graduation with not much new talent to fill those spots. I don't think Buna will even be in contention this year. But heck you never know
  2. Lol sorry bro but this isn't little league anymore. You've got to be able to catch 85+. Unless its over your head or too wide out of reach there is no excuse to let a ball past you, especially if somebody is on base. They've got to learn to block better and have better throws to 2nd. I wasn't knocking anybody, I was just stating an observation I made and its something I'd like to see them work on
  3. Both teams did pitch very well. But for kountze to have two sophomores throwing that well is incredible. Kountze hitting wasn't as good as I'd like to see though. Other than TB the bats were dead. Defensively I feel like catcher is our only weak spot. Im hoping they will work on that a little. But I think it will be a great year for Kountze baseball! Im feeling a possible district championship
  4. [quote name="basketball2012" post="1368223" timestamp="1359565872"]
    ok so he prob hit 85 a couple of time and people wanna say its he is consistent  at 85??? he prob is around 81-83!! When I hear about all of these pitchers throwing in the mid 80's I go watch them and they are sitting at 80-82. LAst year I went to go watch howell because everyone is telling me he was sitting at 88 and I go watch 2 games last yr and he was at 83-85 whole game. If its a jugs gun u take 5-6 mph off, stalker is the most consistent gun.
    [/quote] I promise you that Ethan Franklin tops out at 88-89 and throws consistent 85-86. Perfect game had him at 86 during the summer and he has been working harder than ever for the past few months and it has paid off. I was a catcher in college and I catch Ethan quite often. I know what upper 80's looks like
  5. [quote name="BringThePain" post="1338156" timestamp="1353450877"]
    Wow.  With all of your inside information you must either be a coach, or someone who employed by the district.  Interesting.
    Well you must be a secret admirer of Coach Middleton. Does your wife know you roll that way?

    But seriously people need to leave this thread alone. Kountze is going in the right direction and we don't need stuff like this to slow us down
  6. [quote name="concernedfortx" post="1334983" timestamp="1353181829"]
    KingJames123-"See you know nothing lol..Kountze had a junior.. a sophomore.. and a freshman.. He rotated all 3...a blind man could see who the best of the three was..and who wasn't.. he continued to start the junior when clearly the other two were better..2 of Kountze's district losses came down to the last drive (Woodville and Anahuac).. he puts in the Junior in both situations and you get 2 INT that end thgame..so check your facts before you bash Kountze"

    And just who are you saying the best of the three was? Let me guess...Harper, who just happens to be Coach Harper's son! Franklin wanted Harper played. Jealousy and revenge was the motive behind this. Kountze has a bad case of the "good ol' boy" syndrome.

    Coach Middleton only had THREE starters returning this year! Kountze Team Preview specifically states: "...as only three starters return from last year.  Returning to run the offense will be quarterback Kole Williams (18-32, 250 yd in 2011).  But if Williams falters, look for sophomore Justin Harper to be the starter."

    Coach Middleton brought out a lot of players out to football, those that would normally solely go out for basketball!  Coach Middleton was a great asset to Kountze...most wins this year in how long boys?

    Coach Franklin-Coaching Record:  1st year at Kountze, 14-15 overall. Things that make you go hmm.......
    clearly you have not seen a single Kountze game this year. For one, Justin Harper is Coach Harpers brother not his son...shows how much you know. And The Kid that Middleton wanted to start was absolutely HORRIBLE!!! people that know nothing about the team except a team preview on the internet need to stay out of Kountzes business.
  7. [quote name="concernedfortx" post="1331121" timestamp="1352992909"]
    [quote author=BringThePain link=topic=106198.msg1330741#msg1330741 date=1352938961]
    Grayland Arnold was your guy.  He would've led you to a playoff birth.  [b]Why fire Middleton though?  Sounds over reactive to me.  [/b] You guys act like you had expectation to live up to out there in Kountze

    Sounds to me like jealousy.  You have a great guy that cares about the kids, cares about the program, and who just so happens to be a former NFL football player.  Too much positive attention on Middleton and not enough for the AD?  Just a thought...
    Definitely had nothing to do with Jealousy. I think most people close to the Kountze football program will agree that Middleton did not do a very good job at all with the offense this year. Yes he played in the NFL but it didn't show in his ability to run the offense. All of that aside, he is a great guy and I wish him the best in his future endeavors
  8. [quote name="Candyman" post="1329199" timestamp="1352830489"]
    I heard Middleton was "let go".......  Why???
    I know it had a lot to do with his decisions offensively. Middleton wouldn't ever just stick with one QB and it kept us from winning some close games.

  9. I agree Yeller that Evadale has dominated the last several years. I was a part of the 2009 football team that went 10-0, the 2010 baseball state runner up team, and the regional semi finalist football team of 2010. Im a huge Evadale fan, but Im also a realist. The talent just isn't there right now like it was. But I will always support the Rebels and Im glad that we are in the playoffs once again! Good luck tonight men

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