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Everything posted by hardhitter35

  1. Turtle boy (Steven GeE)
  2. i think your right guys over there never get that much credit for there hard work! good job Coach Sadler. where are you from guy??
  3. im talking about throughout the whole district!!
  4. yeah im on the team! i get on just to see what people think! it gets me pumped up when i see we are not on anybody's good list! WE love it! i dont talk trash just simply trying to put my school and the team on the map; and earn some respect! thas it no harm in that!
  5. liberty you beat the first two teams you guys faced in district play and they are said to be the best two teams! and how is it you guys still have no respect!! keep playing hard panthers yall will eventually get it!
  6. liberty is getting it together but i think they have a good chance...
  7. The Liberty Tourney!!! anyboyd know's who's all in it??
  8. yeah that wuz 10+. min..b4 that..the fog got heavy pretty quick!!
  9. liberty was up 3 to 2 would have been 3 to 1 but they scored on a fly ball that liberty's right fielder missed because he couldnt see it...
  10. we will see tomorrow which team has improved the most...period!!! any team can win any given point in time!! we will just have to see!!
  11. should be a good one what do you think
  12. do you have the bracket
  13. who's all in it..anybody know??
  14. come on bc..yall shoulded ended that!! SICK
  15. huffman will make the playoffs no doubt..
  16. put the past behind you..lets c how things turn out this year!! the past is the past!!
  17. too bad orangefield didnt spank liberty!!
  18. haha that might be the funniest thing i have saw all year!!!
  19. if they would kill liberty straight up why didnt they last night..it was a VARSITY Scrimmage!! so why would you pull your best kids in a VARSITY scrimmage!! liberty is gonna make some noise watch and c
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