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Everything posted by tracker1012

  1. Kelly has 3 3a tcil state titles, and 2 4a tcil state titles in football, the last state title in 3a was 1970 under coach spring.
  2. Great game, those young men played hard, they should all be so proud of themselves. WAY TO GO KELLY!!!!!! now it is time for ST. Thomas
  3. Kelly beats pius 24-17
  4. Hold on to the football, Hold on to the football, Hold on to the football, if so Kelly -35 H.F.- 7
  5. well then no excuses this week riding solo  because kelly only has 420 students
  6. wow, can we get back to the predictions instead of my son, brother,or cousin, is better than your son, brother, or cousin----- Kelly 28 Liberty 24
  7. kelly will have to tackle better than last week and do a better job of holding on the ball, they blew a big lead last week and should have never let ec back in that ball game. with that said i think they win 28-24
  8. kelly- 28  E C- 7
  9. Kelly ran tons of stuff, really? I think i saw a total of 7 pass plays and the rest were runs right up the gut.
  10. Congratulations to Nick Shrapps first D-1 offer from the University of North Texas. You and your family should be proud. Can not wait for this season, if you and all your teammates play as a team with all those seniors I think it will be a very special year. Congrats again on your offer and I'm sure more offers to come. Best of luck to all the Bulldogs for the up coming season. (Can't wait too see your mom and dad throw away the red and put on the green)
  11. dont know, dont care, gave up season tickets last year
  12. its funny that the refs call a good game when you win------but they sure are lousy when you loose
  13. thank goodness you are not the coach, im sure with coach woodard the starting quarterback for next year would have earned the spot.
  14. I learned many great life lessons because of football. Things are not always easy and you do not always get your way. I have no problem when the coaches yell at my son. I would think if they did not see potential in him doing a better job they probably would not have much to say. Football is not for everyone. it is violent, and a game of emotions. Yes coaches yell, players yell (and some parents yell too much). like i said it is a game of emotions. But it also teaches many life lessons. Yes the best should play, there is nothing wrong if you sit the bench, hopefully it will make you work harder. Kids mature at different ages, but I promise you that a coach will play a kid that is borderline if he or she works harder than everyone else, If that young person works hard during the summer running and lifting weights at there school they will be noticed by there coaches and given more consideration. In life there will be smarter people, people that work harder than everyone else, and yes the best should get the promotions, the people that work the hardest should be paid more. Not just because you show up and are part of the team. And yes you will also learn that life is not always fair, and hopefully you also learn that even though life is not always fair it will make you work twice as hard as the other guy because you are a football player.
  15. I do not think I would wait a couple of days - could be sold out by then
  16. Should be a great game, Bridge city will not stop Kelly Kelly 42 Bridge City 35
  17. Bridge City  28 Vidor          27
  18. We have not even snapped the ball in 20 years and we are an idiot school for not trying to join a larger conference. We want even play in the southland till next year. Lets just make sure we support this program through what is probably going to be a tough couple of years.
  19. I wonder why the great mastermind Dr. Carol Thomas thought he could homestead more than 1 home. I guess it must have been an accident.
  20. Carroll Thomas Stadium what a joke, someone tell me what he has done for bisd football, ok so he raised taxes and lined his pockets with  money from the contractors and got us a new stadium built. what a joke--- sfa-85 I have been here since 1959 and I will tell you this west end wanda knows for a fact the stadium should have been named after Willie Ray Smith Sr.----- 251 wins @ Charlton-Pollard and 2 state champions, and if not him, then what about Alex Durley ----76-7-2 @ Hebert High School and a state championship- 1st year at Westbrook a 5-A state title in 1982, and sadly passed away in 1984. Tell me sfa-85 how many football games has carroll thomas won for bisd.
  21. Beaumont High BeeeeeeeeeeeeBeeeeeeeeee Davis Kenneth Perkins
  22. I guess that it was no different when coach Stump left Kelly and took two players with him. One was WB starting QB, do you think he told them they should stay put!!!!!!
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