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Everything posted by shermdog

  1. hd bobcat9, Please answer my questions. I would like to know. All you have stated is opinion and innuendo. Please enlighten all of us non football gurus.
  2. Please justify the following: Lack of preparation for opponents, please provide examples. Non-utilization of players, again please provide examples. Loads of talent, please provide examples. BTW, HD was only a 1a for the last three years of his tenure. Not 5 or 6. WH had some pretty good teams the last three years(but you would probably say they did not)
  3. Anahuac is glad to have him!
  4. Had the opporttnity to coach against Zach the past couple of years. He seemed to have it together. I am happy to see that he is well spoken and supportive. Those are the kids you coach for. Thanks for the good example you set.
  5. Don't know what Stump does. What I am referring to is schools outside of Beaumont. Rural in nature.
  6. I hate to beat on this dead horse. I hear that they are trolling the area public JHS for players.
  7. Thanks for the props you gave to Anahuac. They played hard and never gave up. That is HEART!!!!! Again, thanks for the props.
  8. Deoir McNeil is the kids name. Got off the phone with the parents and looks to be good. Answered prayers.
  9. a games or b games? home or away?
  10. Those schools have to still report at six weeks for iniatal eligibility. After that, 9 weeks is followed.
  11. BTW they are from Tonga, not Somoa. And yes it is a big deal to them. The Tongan population at Trinity were brought over by the Mormon missionaries. Those people have been in the DFW area for quite a while. For a while, they were a major part of the workforce at DFW airport. At least that is what one Tongan player told me.
  12. I want to be a Grizzly Bear!!!!
  13. Have them contact Daisetta. I believe they are off.
  14. They are better than you give credit. They have a couple of D-1 propects. Anahuac played hard but made too many mistakes. But, we will turn this ship!
  15. I was at the 91 A&M-TCU game when Coryatt hit Mcpherson. Saw Rodney Thomas againist Mizzou break the leg of FS that was filling the alley. Rodney never touched the kids leg. Shoulder to shoulder contact. It was a tib-fib break. Our photographer got it on film. That part of the leg should never be at 90 degrees.
  16. Mike Webster passed away within the passed three years. He had several mental issues. They were linked to his playing days( head to head contact) Very sad story. We place these guys on a pedestal and when they quit playing nobody cares what happens to them.
  17. Heard the OC for Westbury is Charlie Ward. Wonder if he will put the Heisman on the sidelines? Anyway who wins?
  18. I remembered another one. This was from practice. Reggie Brown (6'4" 245)and Rodney Thomas(5'11", 210) collided on the iso. Both of them bent their facemasks and broke the welds on their facemasks. I have seen them both break masks on opposing players. Rodney Thomas was a true fresh and knocked out a senior FS filling the ally on the sweep.
  19. Cussing does not always convey intensity. Your body language and the relationship you have with the kids can do a much better job. As a coach, I refrain from cussing. However, being human a word will occasionally slip. I think that cussing shows a lack of education. Using cuss words shows that you have a limited vocabulary. As educators, we should be using every possible moment as a teaching opportunity. The only time I remember cussing and a kid hearing it was when I tore my ACL in BKB practice. When I did that, he knew I was really hurt and not joking.
  20. In the game in question spurger at HD, they were locked in. I have to disagree with you on the rough play. I have the impression that Beaumont allows the rougher style of ball. I have seen more kids cut under going that direction than out of the Cleveland and Huntsville chapters. I was at the BC tourney two years ago(this example still stands out in my mind), I do not remember the kid from EC who drove the lane and was rebounding his missed shot. He was in the air and cut from under, rolled over the defenders back and then hit the ground and there was no call. Kid could have been seriously hurt. We played in Buna this year and our kid was fouled, no call. The HD player was hit and his direction was changed in mid air, no call. I would not bring that incident up, but people I knew from Buna were apologizing for the poor officiating. Now It happens in all chapters and everbody has a story. All I want is consistency. This only benefits the game.
  21. HD used the Cleveland chapter of officials(do not know if they will this year). Cleveland officials do a good job of keeping the games under control. I have seen them talk to a coach and explain what is going on when other chapters will not. I feel that they call a good game. The problem is consistancy between chapters. One chapter will let you street ball and others will not. Cleveland handles some tough games in the area. And they keep it under control. They are a small chapter and are pretty selective who comes in and represents them. And, they have a few that are not as good as others. And HD has lost at home so your rule of seven is not true. As a coach, I appreciate the fact that they make you play basketball and not streetball. I have seen the rule of seven go against HD at home and away. The question is can your team adjust to the style of officiating or will they whine? We had several coaches ask for info on the chapter. So they can not be that bad.
  22. Will be hard for HD to hire from within, the asst Moore left also.
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