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Everything posted by shermdog

  1. I remembered another. A&M was playing Mizzou. Rodney Thomas takes the pitch around the left side, and the FS comes up to challenge. Contact was made and the FS leg breaks at the mid of the tib and Fib. Sounded like a gunshot went off in the stadium. The FS hit Rodney straight up nothing fancy or cheap.
  2. Coach Moody Played HS ball at El Campo and was coached by two former Permian Coaches. The DC from the 84 Permian State Champ was EC 's head coach. He brought the pride from that program to EL Campo. El Campo was referred to as little Permian during his tenure. Coach Moody also worked Tam Hollingshead who was a Permian HC Coach Moody has taken the things he has learned from those coaches and made it apart of his program. I know this because I was one of his HS teammates. Go BOJO. Show them some Big Red Magic Coach Moody. Sorry you can not believe in a team and its rallying point.
  3. I was at that TCU game. I still see it in slow motion in my head. Some of the hardests hits I saw were in practice. Clif Groce and Reggie Brown going one on one in the Iso Drill. They broke several facemasks.
  4. Humble soph 20 HD JV 0 0-0 at half.
  5. Danbury, there.
  6. Depends on how quickly the infection is found. If staph is allowed to progress, it must be removed surgically. If it is caught early enough, it can be treated by anti-biotics. Staph is naturally occurring on the human body. Generally found in the nose. It is possible to infect yourself. You have to be very proactive to control staph and it is still hard to do.
  7. Did Jeff marry his college sweetheart? I worked with Jeff at A&M. Just curious. A stock broker, he was never that serious.
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