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  1. No disrespect. Maybe the wrong word to use. You guys no doubt have a great program and lots of playoff history. My point is to not go in with the mindset you’re behind the 8 ball. Just play your game.
  2. They just need to look past the hype of Aledo. Just play the game. Play smart, disciplined football and they can take this. You only have one shot for such a moment. Don’t let the moment get too big. The talent is there.
  3. Thanks Hagar for this info. Watched the whole game on KXAN. With sound! The guys calling the game actually did a pretty good job. Helluva game. Go Coogs!
  4. He’s back!
  5. When Dayton was rolling in the Stewart years I hated the Dayton fans arrogance on here. The Crosby fans have replaced them. Have some humility and some class and some sportsmanship. People read this crap and think everyone from Crosby is a bunch of trash talkers. I’m from Crosby the way.
  6. How much time?
  7. Typical Crosby-Dayton square off. Throw out all wins and losses and stats!
  8. Wisconsin degree? Are we talking university of or Wisconsin Middle school? Nope not a SAT but punctuation helps to explain your point and not sound so igno.
  9. Please can we have a period thrown in there every once in a while. It's hurting my head!
  10. Good to hear that the kids seem to be on the same page. Sometimes these social issues can be divisive. If the talent is there, maybe this was a good wake up call for Crosby. Every game in the district, each week, is going to be interesting and competitive. On any Friday!
  11. Not sure why that posted twice!!
  12. I haven't made it out to see Crosby yet. The past few weeks the talk was how good Crosby's defense is (was) and that their secondary was great. Can someone explain what happened to their defense? Was it injuries or are they just not near as good as thought to be? And, I think it was 14.2 that stated the off the field problems got in the way. I'm assuming it was all the kneeling vs. standing for the National Anthem. Has this caused division on the team? Has Riordan lost the ship? Or maybe it's just that Porter is way better than thought, but I highly suspect that is not the reason. Anyone have opinions on my questions?
  13. I haven't made it out to see Crosby yet. The past few weeks the talk was how good Crosby's defense is (was) and that their secondary was great. Can someone explain what happened to their defense? Was it injuries or are they just not near as good as thought to be? And, I think it was 14.2 that stated the off the field problems got in the way. I'm assuming it was all the kneeling vs. standing for the National Anthem. Has this caused division on the team? Has Riordan lost the ship? Or maybe it's just that Porter is way better than thought, but I highly suspect that is not the reason. Anyone have opinions on my questions?
  14. I had a discussion with a buddy at work today and I told him how much I think a good coach can make. His counter point was you have to have the talent. My counter point was a good coach puts the right people in the right places and coaches good fundamentals and that it can overcome the lack of talent. I'm seeing it so far with BH. Well not seeing it in person but. Crosby better be ready next week. Go Coogs!
  15. Looking at the box scores I didn't see Carlos Grace's name in rushing attempts. It did show he caught one pass. Did he run the ball? What's up?
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