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Everything posted by Indianforever

  1. Didn't know they had an extra week of scrimmages
  2. For your reading pleasure [Hidden Content]
  3. I have BH in an upset by 10 pts
  4. Wow hope it wasn't any starters for the teams I'm sure there will be disciplinary actions taken I would think
  5. Yes 1 or 2 plays he gets double teamed every time
  6. Lol pretty sure he was there for a reason not to many fans walk around with clip boards I almost asked to take a picture with him just for you but decided against it
  7. Oh and by the way I passed by a memorial coach holding a clipboard guess he was getting ready for week 8 also
  8. We even got to see a good ole beaumont fight walking out the gate not a police officer anywhere in sight....I guess it's just the norm over there but I guarantee you if one of those idiots knocked my kids over I would not be posting right now but getting my one free phone call
  9. let us know how that state championship team looks tonight
  10. I called it at the beginning of the year last year a 2nd rd exit for Crosby and Cougar14.nothing thought I was nuts but we saw what happened and I say Crosby doesn't get out of the region this yr
  11. Crosby fans don't come back at me about PNG we will be lucky to make it in the top 10
  12. Crosby fans aren't going to be happy after seeing the schools that are eligible. my guess is they wont be number 1
  13. any thoughts on this one?
  14. does Crosby have the talent to beat Memorial?
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