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Everything posted by texans

  1. You mean the same Childish stuff as your "broncos" have done in the past five years? K enough said don't whine about a car getting keyed... (most likely wasn't a football player for one) And beyond that he left our school to go to Dayton do you think were gonna be pleasant to him? So if your star player just decided to leave Dayton for lets say PNG because they look flashier this year... your kids wouldn't have an adverse reaction to it... since where into checking words here is some you need to check "nice class by crosby" Did everyone in the town of Crosby Key this guys car?, if Not, then is that redneck guy that sits in the auto parts yard over their in Dayton the epitome of what it means to be from Dayton? I mean hes a nice guy but mainly because hes an alcoholic who wants to sell you car parts so he can buy more beer. "It is amazing how pissed off the Broncos are over a childish immature act that some idiot or idiots did" Your correct and it was probably done by Children. Also don't know how to quote another person, but someone made mention of Durran... Seems they split time at Grandview from the articles I've seen. Dunno if hes still their ill message him and see. The others however a true beyond the individual talent. Since he left crosby that makes it right to key his car, now I understand, did everyone from crosby key his car probably not, but did someone from crosby key his car. That would be a yes. So for the last 5 years dayton has destroyed other peoples properity. Give us some examples we would like to know.
  2. Dayton is not over-confident. They want to beat crosby more than anything. Nice class by crosby keying Frank's car when he was at his cousins house, in crosby. It is amazing how pissed off the Broncos are over a childish immature act that some idiot or idiots did, and for a kid that just moved here. Check the paper crosby has been waiting on this game. That is good because so has Dayton.
  3. Relax PNG is the best team in region 3.
  4. That is funny. Sante Fe ahead of Dayton. Good poll, awsome
  5. yes yes his record is not very good against crosby, he is 12 wins and 1 loss
  6. what about jv
  7. ranger what was the scores of the jv and freshman games last night between ggm and crosby
  8. how did ggm and crosby jv and freshman do
  9. Dayton was ruled unacceptable because they had a couple of kids over on the drop out rate. The TAKS scores were acceptable. Stop making digs at Dayton because Frank moved over here. We all know that Crosby in just one step below Harvard.
  10. The Lacours and Franks dads both graduated from Dayton. They wised up and moved because they are grown men and can live anywhere they want to. I am just glad that you are a mind reader. We can all assume that they moved for athletic purposes. Just like i can assume that you are a dumb a__ but I don't know that for sure.
  11. Cant walk the walk, here is some history for you, you do know what that is dont you. The last time Crosby beat Dayton you were just out of diapers. 2008 Dayton 49-14 2007 Dayton 49-7 at crosby 2006 Dayton 35-0 2005 Dayton 21-3 at crosby 2004 Dayton 36-17 2003 Dayton 35-20 2002 Dayton 49-14 at crosby 2001 Dayton 31-0 at crosby 2000 Dayton 24-21 1999 Crosby 31-21 at crosby 1998 Dayton 35-14 average score DAYTON 35- 13
  12. no worries the huper poll gives them their due. That is ok we like the underdog roll. We just hope we can compete with them over there.
  13. Daytons not as good as last year and how do you know that. Is it because we lost our only 2 players on our team. The thing that I cant believe is that we are scoring about 10 more points a game this year, just amazing. Dayton must be cheating or something. Help me with something, why is bh so good, what are you basing it on. The king or galena park game.
  14. Pink enzone I am just glad we dont have to play on that dirt field that yall have. This assumed BH learns to run the screen better against the pass rush. Pink
  15. By looking at the rankings we would not even make the playoffs. I am just glad we are in 19 4A where we have a chance.
  16. Best thing about the rankings is that Dayton will get to play one of those teams that is ahead of them and will be in the underdog roll. It will be a great upset if dayton can be lucky enough to knock off one of the 4 teams ahead of them.
  17. Lumberton will get beat by 40 or more points. There is no way they will hang with a team that played PNG within one point.
  18. I agree, Penny. That is the "nature" of the game, getting a top notch coach, we as fans tend to think its magic. But we have to remember, its the players themselves, that determine the outcome. With that being said, I saw a lot of improved fundamentals last nite and it excited me. I think Faircloth is doing a good job and has brought excitement to the Reservation. You're not goind to build a program over night, and I think its unfair to Faircloth and the players to judge after the very first preseason game...but then, opinions do prevail. Best of luck to ALL the teams in our district! BTW, Kirby is in my prayers. HOW DO YOU KNOW HE IS A TOP NOTCH COACH HE HAS DONE NOTHING AS A HEAD COACH.
  19. Payton Ploch qb dayton 256 yards rushing 3 td's 140 yards passing and 2 touchdowns
  20. On Saturday morning I will post a similar sequence except it will be a purple player with a horseshoelooking like #60 hitting his backside. I am bias but Mr Beard is on another level than other high school seniors this season - WOW! After watching those pics the dayton players refused to come to practice. The scrimmage might be cancelled. Coach Stewart was trying to convince them to play. We will have to wait and see doesnt look like their will be a scrimmage friday night.
  21. How do you put Dayton football above wos football? The big question is 'what have you done for me lately'. When was the last time they have been to State? Yes, they do run through the regular season like a fat person through a buffet, but what happens in the playoffs? Dayton have been doing good! They even made a very deep run with a backup QB. When the Blue chipper QB came back from Injury, they went on to march to state. 13 years in a row Yes but count state championships. Or playoff appearances for the past 10 years.
  22. How do you put Dayton football above wos football? maybe because the last 2 years dayton has won 9 playoff games and wos has won 4
  23. Lee or sterling are you kidding me. sterling hasnt been any good since the mid 80's, and lee is average at best
  24. I didnt realize since we are talking history, that dayton has won more playoff games in the last 2 years 9, than the hill has won in the last 31 years 8. But fever you are right 32 years ago yall actually won a few games in the playoffs.
  25. Maybe if yall win a game or 2 the paper might come to the hill, little boy
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