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Everything posted by checkmeout99

  1. Be careful, you'll get some crazy mom after you.....LOL I don't mind since they always leave after a year or two and we just tick off a new set each season. Bottom line is you don't have an offense when you run the QB 70% of the time. What's going to happen is he will get hurt, just like happened to Chris Daniels and Carmona. As for the turnovers, that is a dicipline and experience problem. You can't run into traffic one handing the ball, period. BH has more speed this year than they have had in a long time, but you have to use it to your advantage. As for interceptions, when you take a somewhat inexperienced QB and stick him in the backfield without a single blocker, then a defense is a fool not to rush him all night. Poor QB is not only trying to find the open receiver, but he's having to do it while running for his life. If the full back is going to leave the backfield under a pass rush, he better be coming off his block rapidly and turning for the screen pass. A team like Dayton will kill BH because of the delayed handoffs and lack of pass protection. I hate to state the obvious but, who else do we have that can run the ball 70% of the time? I'm sorry, I don't mean this as any disrespect to anyone, but we don't have a dominate back. #34 doesn't know how awesome he could be, he could be an All State running back, but he doesn't know how to run with the ball(this is not putting down the kid, we wish he knew how much potential he has) you can't run into the line standing straight up, I don't care how strong you are. I don't know if it's a coaching problem or if he is just not cut out for that position. #20 seems to try very hard, but I'm not sure at this point that he can handle the load either. The spread offense is designed for the QB to carry the ball and to be a threat for the defense to contend with, I think we take it to the extreme, but probably have no choice. I think Matthew is getting better, I think he is trying to hard, to make things work. I know these kids want to win very badly and I think Matthew puts a lot of responsibility upon his shoulders, which he should, and he forces the ball trying to be successful. Our receivers are doing a great job at this point, a huge bright spot this year. I feel good about this team! Just need to correct the turnovers...that may be easier said than done...hope not. he is not puttin down the kid (#34) kade bradford... he could be the top running back in the region easily if he just sucked it up. i know the kid can do it. i played with him i know his talent i watched him lift weights the kids a straight up BEAST. if their were one or more coaches at practice trying to pump him up instead of sittin back. ITS FOOTBALL GET EXCITED coaches. kade you keep working your a## off cuz if you read this you know who this is. i wanna see you perform better boi. i know you got it in you. PERFORM KID
  2. You gotta be kidding me!! You make your very first post on this site and it is something like this!! Believe me, these coaches could care less what momma and daddy think. Sometimes I think they should but they really don't. As for the game. I believe it will be a lot closer than the Raider faithful would like to think. I know it sounds like a cliche, but if we do away with the turnovers we will move the ball and score. The Defense will have their work cut out for them again. Our secondary will find out how good they are, 1 way or another. if bh does make it a close game its for sure that it wasnt the coaches that made it that way... there are some athletes on bh team. trust me. coaching staff not the greatest thing on the map. but good luck guys work hard and do it for yourself and your teammates and no one else.
  3. one thing for sure is if the bh coaches dont actually learn how to coach and quit wondering what momma and daddy going to think about them then their going to have a very long season. end of story.
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