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Freddy Krueger

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Everything posted by Freddy Krueger

  1. good luck to you fisherking.
  2. some one has a since of humor for coming up wiht that name.  Its gunna be a fun weekend for me
  3. enlighten us why a coach comes on hear to justify hisself
  4. Freddy is still recovering from Freddy vs. Jason couple years ago Jason cut his head off in one of the movies, so i would imagine that would take a good amount of time to recover from Sticks and stones may break my bones... but nothin' will ever kill me. Well, let's see now. First, they tried burning me. Then, they tried burying me. But this... this is my favorite...They even tried holy water, but I just keep on tickin'.
  5. I'll be on Elm Street, waiting for all of you to fall asleep...
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