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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. I’d have to go with LCM vs BC. It started in the early 1980’s. It’s usually heated a lot of personal fouls. Both student section chanting back and forth and someone usually damages some school property during the week. LCM leads the series to bad we don’t get to play them this upcoming season.
  2. They have a shot. If we didn’t fumble several times in the redzone in the 2nd round playoff game we would have made it to the 3rd round. But we would have still lost to Carthage. With Calallen, Levega And East Texas teams I think it would be hard for district to make a state championship run. It’s going to take a talented team to beat those guys.
  3. It doesn’t matter our district might go 3 rounds at best. It’s sad but true
  4. Eh it’s early. We lost a lot so it will be interesting to see.
  5. I’d say around 13. We are losing our 3 year Starter at Qb. We have two 3 year starters wide reciver Pollock and Champine at Db that are returning. We only have 9 seniors this upcoming season unless we get kids to come out of the band or some transfers from our favorite local team. We had a freshman start at Safety this past season and he will probably play running back some.
  6. He has been there a total of 3 years. His coaching career is 163-112-3
  7. Returning 15. We lost 17 seniors.
  8. If its a good book ill read it. Im ready for football!
  9. During this coronavirus quarantine I decided to buy some football books about some respected high school football coaches. The first one was W.T. Johnson Between the white lines and G.A. Moore Beyond Just a win. Both of these books are very good and tell stories how coaching makes a impact on communities. I like G. A. Moore style he was old school kind of guy and did some stuff in practice that would have had carol baskins upset about in this day and age of football. If anyone has any recommendations on any more football books let me know.
  10. Oh yes. Sorry I only think about varsity lol
  11. Carthage suits up prob 50 plus kids. WOS 30 to 35 kids. Not everyone will make it through Coach Thompson to be on a team. LCM started 1 freshman last year and a few sophomores. This up coming there will be a lot underclassman on varsity.
  12. I certainly don’t know if he tries to schedule up. I travel through there some and they have a nice stadium for a small school. I see they played Mart last year beating them 48-40 which was only competitive game during the first 10 games. Maybe he will want to play the mustangs one day.
  13. I think going up tempo is great but I think in the 4th quarter 90 points up why not run the clock some and get to the house early. I agree his starters should play at least 3 quarters of football. But he could schedule better teams in pre district for more of challenge.
  14. I thought this was a pretty good video. Anyone have a different opinion then the HC?
  15. LCM will probably be 2nd or 3rd
  16. Both are special programs. I just hope the corona virus don’t mess with football season.
  17. Louisiana schools Just cancelled for a month.
  18. Yes no huddle. We throw the ball 20 to 30 times a game this past season with a lot of zone read.The two upcoming QB coming up can throw the ball well. We will be young this upcoming season due to graduation only bringing back our 3 year starter wide receiver. Who is your Alma mater?
  19. I hope so. We are the only spread team in that list. BC ran mostly out of the spread. I’m not against a wing t team but I do feel like you have throw the ball some to make the defense honest. A lot of times you have to run what fits your talent and not what is popular. When I was in high school we ran the wishbone and it was pretty much just the option. The baseball kids didn’t want to play football because they felt the offense was boring. I’d disagree with them because I like smash mouth football.
  20. I just read where Jack Alvarez is going to Cuero. I wonder if they will be in the wing t
  21. Sad to see LCM lose. They had one player quit before the season that would have made a huge difference on the year. But on to the better sport baseball!
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