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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. 13-0 at halftime. For some reason we throwing more then running
  2. Livingston got the ball first. First play was trick Play that got intercepted. LCM first play was a QB draw for 60 yard Td 6-0
  3. BC Qb should give them some problems. But I don’t know if he will be enough
  4. How many kids do NS have? I believe it comes down to talent level. WB held there own but don’t you think if they could add BU to make one high school it would have been probably a lot closer.
  5. I see LCM staying down. They have loss some enrollment to Harvey, last I heard.
  6. Sit on North Shore side. WB needs some luck
  7. Wos can’t play in the rain. On cold fronts Lcm usually don’t play to good.
  8. It looks like bad weather is coming. I hope they play on a Saturday. I don’t want to play in the weather. Are you going to make this game?
  9. I agree with you. Huffman usually out coaches us
  10. How many yards did LCM lose on bad snaps? One bad snap cost LCM a touch down. I watched the whole thing on Texanlive Splendora isn’t a bad team. But I believe our secondary really caused them problems. LCM coaches let them back in the game with mismanagement of clock and couple questionable play calls.
  11. Central won in 1990. Westbrook beat them in 1991 24-21. Central beat them in 1999. Central won 2 games in the 90’s
  12. 🤔😂 no I don’t remember you saying that. I remember us talking about both teams playing for the DC. But it should be a good game.
  13. The LCM vs HuffMAN game could be for the DC. Ive been watching Huffman and appears they blitz every play. If LCM does not look for passing routes and run plays to force them play gap football it could cause confusion for us. Our line has not blocked well and we were having bad snaps last week. On defense I feel like we will be fine our secondary has been playing pretty well
  14. Huffman 7-0 2-0 LCM 4-2 2-0 Lumberton 4-2 1-1 Splendora 4-2 1-1 Livingston 2-4 0-2 Bridge City 1-5 0-2
  15. I seen Cat. I thought you were a Splendora fan and got confused because you picked us to win.
  16. Hey man I see you talking a lot on different teams. If you don’t mind me asking who is your Almamater ?
  17. She’s mad right now and not thinking clear lol
  18. What’s up with the 4 horsemen joke? I want to laugh too
  19. You never know man. We let Splendora back in the game. The kids need to play to their potential. That’s one of the factors that has hurt LCM.
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