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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. Actually we beat y’all last week while you were in the stands so you might be good luck. Also we are 13-5 against Lumberton since you were born another history lesson lol
  2. We beat them before at there house and I think it was there first district loss in a long time at home. Last year we let them get away with one. I kinda hope we can give them the same kinda treatment they gave y’all in 2012 though. When usually play it’s high scoring no defense
  3. Well if Henderson Wins there Qb is injured don’t know if he’s done for the season or not. Henderson has a good run defense. Crandall I have no idea how good they are
  4. Kids are ready. They practiced this week at the Butch to get used to the turf. I don’t think in the past crouch has ever done that.
  5. I couldn’t watch it. The camera man was horrible
  6. Yeah thier not worth playing in a pre district game.
  7. Congrats Raiders first bi district win since 2007 but hey who keeps up with history
  8. Are throwing the ball or running the ball on y’all?
  9. Looks like it’s getting kinda chippy out there
  10. I think I’d pick Livingston over furr right now. Y’all just handing the ball off
  11. Austin Westlake beat Madison in the semi final
  12. If I was not working tonight I’d be in full LCM gear at y’all game lol
  13. Wheatley has 2 state championships in the leather helmet era 1944 and 1954
  14. You gonna sit on the Away side? I know it will be strange lol They are gonna bus our students in that want to watch the game. I’d like to see the visitor side filled up.
  15. Well Lumberton was playing their starters against us. I believe to be the best you have to play the best. If you draw #1 or #2 team in the state first or second round that's your chance to make a name for your self. At the end of the day if you avoid Cartharge on purpose that's sad. Lumberton would get them in the 4th round. Lumberton is the 4th seed and I think when playoff time comes around you need to be clicking on all cylinders Lumberton now has to face a number 1 seed in the first round. I would rather play the harder game in the playoff because we would have to beat Navasota, then play a stout Midlothian Hertiage team then the 3 round would be Carthage If we won those games It would be special because we took no short cuts and we were better prepared then just taking the easy way out. Coach Surratt would not shy away from another stout team to avoid imo
  16. I can update the wins and loses for you if I need to? Lol
  17. To be honest that’s really a slap in the kids and the coaches face imo. Anyone that walks into a game and wants to be loser is a disgrace to the sport. That’s just how I feel about it.
  18. Henderson did lose thier starting Qb. That could hurt them. But hearing that Henderson run defense is good y’all probably would have to open the play book.
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