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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. The ditches are full in Little Cypress I believe the game should be moved to Lumberton.
  2. Oh I thought you were a Splendora fan.
  3. LCM bi-district playoff game will be at Huffman on Thursday 11-15-18 at 7:30
  4. There both outstanding coaches. They both do different stuff. But I think they would both win games at ethier school.
  5. Just depends on our offense. If comes out and we are dropping balls it won’t be good.
  6. I’m sure WOS could get Surratt if they bump the pay up a little
  7. That sounds like a plan. Also I want to say congrats to LHS Band for a good year.
  8. He has better record than the other candidate
  9. I heard people would want him. I think it’s a bad idea
  10. lol I was thinking Coach Crouch. He would love to go back
  11. That is very true CB. I wonder who will take over that program.
  12. If it’s muddy and y’all run 99% of the time it doesn’t effect your offense. We throw the ball almost 30 times a game. A wet ball in the air getting caught is not good
  13. No the concrete isn’t fun but I think bleacher part on top of that would be nice. I liked Carthage stands the whole middle of the stands had stadium seats. At the ticket booth you could upgrade and get a nice seat.
  14. I heard they were also putting aluminum bleachers on top of the cement stands on the home side.
  15. No. They started playing in 04. The most points HF put on WoS were 21. The most points WOS put on HF is 66
  16. Yeah you need be there for the playoffs wear your letterman jacket lol
  17. Yeah. You going to make to the game it might be chilly
  18. LCM could be a lot better. I’m not gonna get on here blast anyone. I think next year with everyone coming back there should be no excuses
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