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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. I dont know who gets paid higher. But id say BC probably brings in more Tax revenue
  2. Nah i know the rumor on whos getting that BC job. Its gonna make his current team tear up.
  3. Bridge City does have more talent. I could see that move
  4. Wouldnt be very smart to blast a boss. I know another coach that did that and he had to find a new job.
  5. Well i hope these assistant have a job next year
  6. Why no? I heard something about a them moving
  7. He has a arm. Not very tall. Played select football. Lumberton will gave some big guys on the oline
  8. Luce i would think have a chance at QB
  9. I had go back and look at the records. They loss some games
  10. I guess they dont run kids with tires over there head with football gear on anymore? Dont start them? If that cant change your attitude you kick them off the team. But if you have a coach that is a when it all coach then yeah you will fail.
  11. I agree, but its on the coaches to have a high standard even if it cost losing a game.
  12. That makes sense thanks for clarifying. Theres teams i dislike myself. I moved north to get out of flood zone to Lumberton. Decided this is not the place i want to be and moved farther north.
  13. Okay i was just wondering. Peevy is OF raised you gotta support that man lol. Most people from LCM are transplants. Lumberton is full of them. I guess now im transplant in Silsbee it happens.
  14. Do you live in LCM district or ex alum. You care alot about LCM lol
  15. The offense is not going to benefit them. They will probably lose interest and go back to playing baseball
  16. Ive heard it from numerous sources alot of folks are gonna be upset. I really think they should open it up.
  17. Hick might apply but from what i understand they already have a coach in mind.
  18. I just dont understand it. Silsbee has a history of being undicipline. They could have a great program but games like that tarnishes it
  19. Fans don't know what the other team is saying. But either way silsbee Coaches need to lay into the kids about controlling their emotions and beating them on the score board. If that cant play clean football they need to join UFC. Because its not going to help down the road
  20. Being undiscipline is on the coaches cross the board. You have to lay the law down.
  21. Man watching the game. I dont see how we get to cowboy stadium playing like this smh
  22. Dont be negative. LCM is gonna have record the 3rd season in row👏🏼
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