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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. Mat your so right. I don’t know what happens at this time of the year. Against Splendora we were up tempo throwing the ball around. Against Livingston and Huffman we playing conservative. I believe we play better aggressive
  2. So Splendora vs LUmberton rematch. That should be a good game
  3. I agree with you. LCM has that problem. Babin makes 70k?
  4. You don’t want ever to lose to teams that usually always beat. You remember when when y’all beat PNG? There’s a reason why they win most of those games. They traditionally beat y’all same thing here lol But these young kids at LCM are different now.
  5. I think we all have shot at winning the first round. LCM is playing inconsistent at the wrong time of season. I’m gonna go to much into it and look like coach 23 unless we lose Friday night to Lumberton would be disappointment
  6. So I guess LCM is going 4 rounds
  7. If we went with a winning percentage between the two teams I think we would have an A. Well y’all are set at 2. The best we could get is 3 and we would face Navasota. I think we would be better against Wheatley. We have not ever played Each other and might be able to surprise them. LCM runs the same plays so Navasota has seen them. But yes I’m the only one that is vocal LCM fan. Walkoff gets on here and bearessintials is following Livingston, LCM93 doesn’t follow the Bears. I’m sure there is more. Lumberton was like this the after y’all graduted. I think Raidergirl tried to keep it together lol look at poor Cardinal Backer he had a couple friends at the start of the season and now they flew off leaving him on here with a big ole bird mess.
  8. I guess this thread is dead. Would have been nice to see the conversation if both teams would have won last week. It would have had this game a little more meaningful.
  9. I say Jasper by 21 points or more. I hope I don't offend anyone with my prediction
  10. on, TX post 1. Nederland 2. Little Cypress-Mauriceville 3. San Augustine 4. Deer Park 5. New Caney 6. Port Arthur Memorial 7. Barbers Hill 8. /Crosby 9. Vidor 10. Splendora 11. Huffman Hargrave 12. Coldspring-Oakhurst/ 13. Shepherd 14. Jasper 15. /Liberty 16. West Orange-Stark 17. Franklin 18. Buna 19. Woodville 20. Orangefield 21. East Chambers 22. /Newton 23.Groveton 24. /Evadale 25. /Beaumont Legacy Christian
  11. That stadium is out of the way. Why not save gas and play at jasper or Lumberton
  12. Going into this game Babin with 6 years of HC is 32-29. When Crouch was at 6 years he was 29-32. Looks like the raiders have the edge already
  13. I think we had the same idea. Babin is a good coach and I’ll have to check but probably has more wins then Crouch
  14. Calm down. He’s probably little league coach that wants Lumberton to become a powerhouse
  15. Y’all have beat PNG once I believe. Ned a few times. Lumberton is political just like LCM. Hopefully with our new supertendant we will raise the bar on coaching and making a bi district playoff a standard a no more. Winning 3-5 games a year is not good.
  16. Me too, what we have coming back next year we should be district favorite. winning 5 games a year is getting old.. There is some upcoming talent and the next few years for LCM could be good if they are utilized correctly and play up to potential
  17. Our offense wasn’t competitive last night. There is no excuse for it. People in the stands realize what are going on.
  18. I understand where you coming from. I think over the years y’all had some good groups of kids that came through. If you look at some past scores like our 1994 season y’all played us tough which I had double check the score. We blew out WOS that year. When I played against Lumberton they wasn’t a very physical team. The sad thing is Lumberton will move up and will they stay motivated to win in 5a? I hope they do. Those 5a teams are beatable
  19. Okay on a serious note. I believe that Huffman SPlendora, Lumberton and LCM will sweep that district. But all teams will have to play up to par. I think all 4 teams are about evenly match with Spendora being lucky to win against Lumberton and LCM with close games that could have gone either way.
  20. That is funny, I figured I would get a response out of yall guys lol. That 2010 game I was sitting on the visitor side of LCM watching my school bring yall to the woodshed with my inlaws staring me down like I was on the wrong side of the stadium. I remember you got some playing time in that game. That 2010 LCM would probably would be undefeated right now so yes that was in the past with a lot better offensive coordinator I wish we could get him back. But on the other hand if Lumberton Parents couldn't beat LCM they wont be able to produce any kids to beat LCM lol
  21. Very surprising when I saw that Wheatley beat them..
  22. Wow a lot of points on seeding. Being number 3 or number 4 is really not much of difference. Wheatley barely beat Navasota. I think we would have a better shot against Wheatley.
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