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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. Huffman. Every time we played Huffman they blitz us every snap. If we don’t pick up the linebacker blitzing that will cost us the game. I just don’t see them shutting down all of reciviers if we can get the ball thrown quickly and play up tempo.
  2. You think there secondary is that good to cover all 4 receivers ?
  3. I agree Lumberton has always had problems beating LCM. But with much respect to Lumberton they have improved I expect a close game.
  4. The best wing T team I’ve seen has to be Pleasant Grove. They fake run and pass. You have to be on your heels because the Qb is pump faking with ball and handing the ball off or vice or versa. I think that would open Vidor up a little.
  5. You have a point but Calallen and Angleton would probably beat anyone in the area in the wing T. Cal brought the Wing T to state a few years ago and gave Aledo all they wanted. I think Vidor possibly don’t have the kids to run the Wing T to be successful to compete in 5a. Maybe a change at OC and keep Matthews at head coach would be enough.
  6. We handed the ball off ever play. The first quarter we threw a 35 yard td against them. It was a very boring game to see 12 dive plays in a row. It was there homecoming and I guess Crouch knows there head coach and ended the game running the ball. Our defense play well it was 21-0 and they never made it to the red zone from what remember.
  7. I understand and most people on here want better football for the area but we are limited only to WOS/Newton to have a chance to go to State.
  8. Never heard of him. Maybe y’all can trade with PNG and see which one is better lol
  9. Well he came back and said he has been a Raider 30 plus years so he must be a teammate of yours lol sorry I didn’t mean to show your age.
  10. You have a point. I heard y’all up to 5A numbers now. Hopefully your raiders will turn into power house one day. But on a side note there only 2 teams in this area that has recent hardware WOS/Newton why can’t the other schools play better ball?
  11. I have buddy and his kid plays over there and they are not happy about them not throwing the ball im sure he is not the only one. I know the HC sees it but you have to start in Jr High throwing the ball and practice it.
  12. At the end of the day, I know I give Lumberton a lot of grief and poke fun at them. But imo to call a particular player lazy is really uncalled for. My attempts of poking fun has been at guys on this board not the players. Lumberton is doing good. Are they gonna win a state championship ? no. I really don’t know how far y’all can get with a run game offense in the playoffs. Ltrain I know how it feels when everyone goes against your team and we have really not been great since the 90’s. Everyone was picking LCM At the bottom of district this year and they were not doing to good at times earlier in this season . But what I will say about this years Bear team that they wants to win more then last years team and that is something to build on. LCM has freshman on up on this year team and I think we will see a better district next year.
  13. I agree. He’s the highest paid coach in the area and he will probably get to retire in Vidor. If they could manange to start throwing the ball 10-15 times a game it would probably help them.
  14. I know they lost a few players. We have a good coach. I really don’t keep up with basket ball but I’m with you I’d pick a bad LCM team over Lumberton.I’m ready for baseball season. I think the girls basketball team should be good.
  15. On offense y’all have more speed then bridge city. I think y’all will break a couple runs on them. Maybe I’m staying positive and just going for the green team
  16. If Livingston can stop the fullback I think they got a shot
  17. I pull for them when they don’t play my Bears. For a few years there I watch lumberton a lot 08-10 seasons
  18. That’s good long one. You will need one of those against LCM.
  19. Tia Juanitas if you want a drink before the game. Catfish cabin is good also
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