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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. Lcm might get in the T tonight. Spread offense don’t do well In the mud
  2. Np that’s what I’m doing too. It’s gonns be a mud bowl. The Rich kids in frisco are playing in a dome and we are about to get wet and muddy lol
  3. Yes we are under a lighting delay and it’s pouring down raining. Past by the stadium and had a few Vidor faithfull in the stands I hope they get the message
  4. Might be a close game in the mud bowl. I played in the rain in BC and it’s like a swamp
  5. “Bs” I thought LCM only called them that lol
  6. The field is probably going to get torn up. I’m hearing there is a possible game delay but it’s not confirmed
  7. I hope Bc wins but I think in the 2nd half silsbee will pull away
  8. I highly doubt that will be a competitive game.
  9. Oh I know but that traffic in Katy is no fun. If there was none there I would be probably going.
  10. I really wish I could go to this game. If it was on the east side of Houston I would be watching it.
  11. Stacy Brister she will be taken it over in January . LCM hired within for the job.
  12. No doubt I think he’s a great person.
  13. But we would probably get the same results.
  14. 30 to 40k probaby wouldn’t be a large raise for teachers. But I wonder how much tax money it would save in 10 years?
  15. He was making 97k last year got 3k raise. Trust me there is not a lot of Lcm fans that don’t post on here but the talk in the stands is they want a change
  16. New supertendant coming in I expect a change. It’s sad we pay our coach more money then coach T
  17. He is the most knowledgeable person over WOS football on this site. Coach T approved this message.
  18. There is no way 12 4a will sweep 11 4a. Lumberton and Huffman just beat the doors off of two Houston schools.
  19. I agree. with LCM paying a 100k a year. I expect the program to be better. I mean we are paying higher then a lot of schools in our area
  20. Agree with you at certain point. But imo if you got a guy that makes a 100k year that go 0-10 on a regular basis and the program never shows life of improvement why not save the tax payer some money and just pay a guy 30 to 40k less. I rather give our teachers a pay raise then pay a huge amount to AD if the program is mediocre.
  21. According to last article Sutherland makes 87,900 2016-2017 year
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