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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. I agree. Next week will only get tougher for LCM by playing WOS. Yall prob will pick up a win
  2. I hear ya man, Yeah I think our district is down but its still early. We are playing mostly 10th graders so we are going to have a bunch of growing pains. I expect us to be 1-4 by district starts
  3. CB... Everything is going to be okay. LCM is going through growing pains. Woodville would beat a lot of teams and their team is state ranked. I think Liberty and Dibol is a quality team. Now Splendora barely beat a weak Houston Sterling team is not impressive to me. Livingston well its Livingston.
  4. A lot of people will try to make this in to a rivalry game and it has never been. LCM rivalry has always been BC. IM sure at this point both teams are disappointed coming back from loses. I think LC-M will have to block better on the O line to establish a offense. What I heard it was not pretty but when your playing 10th graders what do you expect. Run defense needs work but I knew they were going to struggle. Ill say 28-14 WOS
  5. Sounds like we are all struggling with the first game man. Splendora is the only team that won this week. They played a weak Houston Sterling team. IMO other than Livingston we will all get better
  6. When cooper comes in the game it’s gonna move the chains. Honestly I like to see him insome wildcat formations. There was also some questionable play calls. At one time Nederland had man to man with no safety over the top. They brought the safety down to the line of scrimmage and Wos ran the ball and it got stuffed Nederland Dc watched filmed and did a great job
  7. My bears might get a W against Livingston
  8. I watched the game and it appeared to me WOS lacked on offense. They only 6 points of offense all game. On the defense side of the ball Nederland started running the GT to get to the outside and I thought that caused problems for WOS defense. WOS defense was the reason why this game was so close by scoring two touch downs hopefully they can work on things this week.
  9. I think Lumberton will win this by 3 tds.
  10. Well I hope so if you have seniors and playing a weak team. But hey y’all might go 3 rounds in the playoffs
  11. I’m not getting what your point was with this comment. I think everyone favored Woodville to win.
  12. I said earlier LCM is young. Our defense will have some growing pains. I like that we scrimmaged Newton because most teams don’t have that much talent. Hopefully we can make few stops and just try to out score you lol
  13. It might have been close to 300. He broke couple off. He was the us army player of the week after that game
  14. My brother in law ran over 200 yards in 2010 to beat Jasper 56-35
  15. Livingston use to be pretty scrappy before they fired Coach Rowe which was a big mistake because they have fell off. They had some talent on that team. One kid went to UT but got kicked out
  16. I caught some video of Splendora and Dibol scrimmaging and Dibol did not look to discipline on defense, Spendora I thought could be a sleeper this year.
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