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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. No we need a parade now and I have 400 people that disagree with you lol jk. But you are right about all of that. I’m happy the hospital district didn’t go through I’m sure he voted for one Haha
  2. Nah, don’t be sensitive man. Can you atleast get your 300 people on here to tell us we are wrong? I mean you are the one that started the thread and just because we don’t see it your way your getting upset. If you can not listhen to someone’s opinion maybe this site isn’t for you. Also if you really want the parade how about seeing if can you can get a permit from the city like a (block party) and fund it for the kids.
  3. Yeah I hear ya. I’m pretty sure our coach is under 500 but he’s 4th highest paid in the area.
  4. More like everyone get’s a parade. The trophy and medals were handed out Friday.
  5. I agree with you. Everyone is already complaining by how many all district players they are and that 4 play off teams is a water down system. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great accomplishment to get that far but I agree the winner deserves the parade and for the Mustangs will be back next year.
  6. Few of those. We need some of Cardinal Backers oline and some from West Lake Charles they are good at baseball too.
  7. #15 look like a player. I missed the second half of the game.
  8. Do expect PG to be there? How many guys are they loosing?
  9. Well since this high school football season is coming to a close. I figured I would put down Stepps projection districts. This is my projection who will make the playoffs next year if he's correct about our district. 1. Lumberton, 2. Huffman, 3 or 4 will be LCM or BC. I really don't know much about Livingston, and I think really from 2 down its really anyone's spot. Lumberton is coming into the district at the right time. Most of the district is down. Hopefully my Bears will show some pride but we are losing a lot of seniors and will be young. Hopefully we can get some transfers from a couple of neighboring cities lol
  10. CB I just just hope both of our teams will make a bi district run
  11. A winning streak is hard to keep alive. De la salle probably did it best. But if you asked there old coach he would probably tell you it’s probaby better to lose a game early in the season then lose it in championship game.
  12. the Holder look like he let go of the ball at little early on that extra point
  13. That’s a shame. I used live over in Dayton when the Broncos made the championship game. I’d use to attend a lot of games and they played good football then.
  14. Dayton has to be getting better. ID hope they make the playoffs
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