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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. Coach Harrell left LCM in 2002 with Coach Thompson to go to Palestine. He was the Head Coach of Palestine when Coach T left. He coached peterson through high school. Coach Harrell then left and went to Texarkana and was hired by Barry Norton as a Assistant HC.
  2. My fault i meant to say LCM defense to stop Vidor’s offense. I feel like the game could go both ways.
  3. Its going to come down to defense. I feel like LCM hasn’t played great defense since the mid 90’s. Led by a great DC Jeff Harrell just saying!
  4. He isnt only one that gets his feelings hurt
  5. Thank you Sir, I try my best. We live in a time we have to make everyone happy. Good luck Friday night
  6. I believe LCM CAN BEAT vidor this week.
  7. I was too, but i might get silenced like Trump. Im on the bandwagon with silsbee. But heck most LCM alums move from LCM 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Stay positive, you might hurt some feelings
  9. @RaiderGirl22 I have to stay positive, I don't want to upset either team by me guessing who would win the game. 😟. I guess im leaning towards lumberton.
  10. It doesn't bother me. The bandwagon fan will turn it up a notch😜.
  11. You are really sensitive. If you think you’re bothering me you’re not. I explained to you where i reside. I have family on the current LCM team now😂. But you are accusing me of being negative on going for 2 which i dont think it does at all. Ive been on this site for years if you dont like whats said on here dont read it
  12. I agree i was just wondering it sounded a like a good game. Ill take my bandwagon team and move on we are now 6-0 😂
  13. 😂 You probably didn't even go to school at LCM. How is asking a person their opinion on going for two or a extra point negative? Im not a band wagon fan i live in silsbee. My kids go to school there. I was actually impressed how LCM did keeping it close because they beat Jasper.
  14. I agree Livingston should be in the top 4. But honestly i dont know about LCM. I wouldn't at all be surprised if they missed the playoffs
  15. Liberty by 7. Jk Wos takes this one. Coach T sitting on the stang side this week
  16. I agree but LCM and WOS isnt in the same district and he refused to sign off on two players. I guess he is trying to keep parents/kids jumping ship.
  17. Samething would happen if WOS spilled in to BC. Better coaching and holding the kids accountable probably would be productive. Coach Hickman wont sign off tho lol
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