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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. Defense needs to tighten up. I cant believe the fish sticks have score 28 points
  2. I do believe both coaches agreed on the Refs i could be wrong lol
  3. Spendora and huffman are down. Lcm 41-9 at halftime
  4. I would like too. I believe i have a great voice for broadcasting
  5. I was joking. I didnt come because of the parking and the stadium.
  6. I was just joking around lol i dont want anyone to be offended. i dont blame them
  7. I guess they didnt want none of the bears last week lol. Maybe we are just coming out of hibernation
  8. I know some some Zeno’s in Beaumont. Open enrollment will do that
  9. Fannett must be recruiting all the kids from United/Westbrook
  10. You have to admit if was funny. Be patient things will turn around soon
  11. Im not listening or watching the game. I refuse to go back to that place😂
  12. A little league imo is different I dont pay tax money to a little league but i do pay tax money to a school district that should take care of their athletes.
  13. I 100% agree. Thats why i was surprised how a school couldnt take care of them. They are sacrificing there body for a game that most of them wont play college ball. How much does a school make on ticket fee’s?
  14. I really never knew that. I figured the school would take care of it. I guess kind of like a job Would
  15. Doesnt the school insurance pick up he bill?
  16. I think this going to be a good one. Im gonna pull for the HJ Hawks!
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