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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. Where’s Peevy name? I guess those LCM guys know what they are talking about.
  2. Probably so. How much did he request?
  3. You could hire Todd Dodge for a small fee to persuade the board members to pick him lol
  4. Cuero athletic facilities is top knotch
  5. I’ll PM you. I was asked not to post it on here
  6. I mean that as your not following hooks and Thompson. You don’t have to live up to them and their records. The guy y’all hired is already on staff and should be be familiar with the kids.
  7. If he is the guy. Hopefully he will keep him at DC. Who knows he might bring something to table. The other HC that’s in the process that’s a no go for sure.
  8. I think he will be a better fit at Jasper then at WOS. He also will have some motivation to beat the mustangs
  9. Does the Head coach have to teach a class?
  10. Everyone trying to jump out of BISD
  11. It’s more referring to lickem and where they can lick the Big ole bad Bears.
  12. I can tell you I’m ready for the season to start. LCM pre district is weak other than WOS. I’m ready to see that WOS vs Jasper game it seems it always gets cancelled.
  13. Did you get the whole Lickem from Cardinal backer? I got something that goes with that but I’d probably get booted out of here lol
  14. I figured that. I’m gonna laugh when the new coach drops the Mustang mile time limit.
  15. I was joking man. Did you catch what the mod said @AggiesAreWe
  16. I think he is making the schedule for himself. Got big ole board at the house. He’s figuring out what game he is going to make it too.
  17. Come on Coach put them in the huddle once the game resumes for about 5 minutes. We will call this play the Mitchell special
  18. Yeah that’s one way to look at it or try to help the weak to be strong and a upstanding citizen thats been having a troubled path. It’s easy to ride the career of athletic kids.
  19. Easy road or not he went the distance. He also had more talent then PNG. That’s why I’m willing to make the wager 😂
  20. Smh. I think it’s funny that kids that leave WOS is always looked down upon. He would have just walked the halls of WOS and might not had a chance to go to college. Just think if WOS actually tried to get those kids walking the halls and develop them. That’s the biggest complaint I’ve heard about Ct and one the reasons why people wanted him to go is because of the mustang mile. I’ve heard it from several fans that y’all are always small in the trenches and no depth.
  21. You know the mile thing is great but it was around 2016 we ended up WOS transfer and he was good ol. He was 6’3 300lbs went to Kilgore to play football. I think he could have helped yalls Ol size in the state championship game.
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