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Everything posted by Tiger33

  1. LCM vs Lumberton fresh LCM won 50-47 LCM vs Lumberton JV LCM won 22-00
  2. I know we had some Vidor kids that played for us last few years. Y’all got a Lcm kid that went to Vidor and i believe he made all state
  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if y’all had kids transfer out just to be a receiver. Way the world is everyone is transferring there kids it’s a win now mentality
  4. I’m sure the slot t is a no go for him lol
  5. He wanted that single digit jersey number bad 😂😂
  6. Sounds like a date y’all have fun! 😉
  7. Better not she has Uil on speed dial
  8. There always getting picked on😂
  9. Hf gets some Beaumont transfers it’s open enrollment you don’t have to live in the school district to go there
  10. How can you get a rhythm in the passing ball if you wait all year to the playoffs? Need to throw the ball atleast 10-15 times. LCM was off last night just think if you tried to open it up in a playoff game. That’s a gamble I wouldn’t take
  11. We will see come playoff time if it’s unstoppable. Spreading your players out gives more running lanes and makes the defense defend the whole field. LCM knew what the game plan was. Would it have worked against WOS? Probably not
  12. I think this game will be another within 7 or 10 point game. LCM was pretty flat last night and unfocused.
  13. LCM. Should be a good game tho. I think the top 3 teams are in the golden triangle. Happy to see huff Splenda and Livingston on the outside
  14. No I’m saying after a emotional victory over a head coach of the opposing calling Lumberton a fluke might come out flat against the bears. One good thing about this game I don’t have a far drive home or leave the city limits
  15. That’s the only thing i see missing in Vidor football.
  16. I really think y’all could have opened the offense up throwing the ball. That TE was wide open
  17. Vidor used that clock to win and that’s there scheme. I thought in the second half the defense played a little better. I honestly think Peevy needs to line up teams in pre district like bellville or Elcampo. Vidor Qb is shifty
  18. LCM had a bad night. Dropped passes and over thrown balls. We knew our defense hasn’t seen that offense before. I’ve watch Lumberton before and they Lack speed. Unless they got some one I havnt seen back. Huffman Head coach said it was a fluke that Lumberton beat Livingston so they were fired up for game. Hopefully after a emotional victory they will come out flat
  19. I’m just gonna throw this out there. If crouch would have been coaching last night. Vidor would have dropped about 50 on LCM. Probably wouldn’t have crossed the 50. I feel like LCM didn’t play great the Qb and recivers were having a off night
  20. Maybe he got some exposure. 90 for LCM has offer from Baylor
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