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Everything posted by hughesfan

  1. I believe that the earlier comment about getting your degree and coach them up is a reference to the fact that unless you have a degree, whether it be a bachelors that is in a teaching field or a higher level masters or doctorate that you can't become a full time coach. Don Price is not going to leave and go to New Caney, why would he. He makes a six figure salary unless they lowered his pay in the last few years. The school produces on the field, the court, the track and the diamonds. Both girls and boys teams are usually competitive if not successful and have not really been that hurt by the move to 4A. Price is not going to do anything stupid enough to ever get fired so if you don't like him as a coach or an athletic director, run for school board in Mont Belvieu and try and get him replaced. I agree with the fact that New Caney should have handled it better about firing after the last game, although I can't honestly believe it was a shock to the head coach. If you are playing that badly you can usually see the writing on the wall.
  2. This is the first win to get Houston back on track in his career. I like Kimbo, he seems like a genuinely nice guy but I don't see him beating alexander if houston trains hard and comes in ready.
  3. I am starting to think that Fedor would not be able to get Brock on the ground. But I am sure hoping we eventually get to see it happen either way. Would be one of if not the biggest PPV draw the UFC has ever had.
  4. AAAARRRRGGGGGG, shiver me timbers!!! I did think that it was pretty funny how Leach just walks up and starts rambling about pirates and God's plan and all. Made the entire show, that and Coach Taylor's smoking hot principal of a wfie!!! Man I wish my principal would have looked like Tami Taylor!
  5. Awesome post. ;D
  6. [quote name="DP#1FAN" post="695524" timestamp="1257252146"] I'm not so sure Fedor is in a hurry to get to Brock. [/quote] Completely agree with that statement!
  7. It comes on NBC in the spring.
  8. I enjoyed it but as a coach in our state it sometimes bothers me some of the things that are somewhat off. Like how the head football coach is paid out of the booster funds and not school funding, all of these boosters in on coaching meetings and at practices with the involvement that they have. Stuff like that is kind of blown out of proportion. I know boosters have a big part of a head coach's job, but most of it is done behind the scenes. I did like how they showed last year all the school board members re-drawing the district lines for Dillon's favor and how this year they are going to lose a kid that they snuck in with some creative paperwork concerning his actual residence. I think that this season could be the best one.
  9. Great fight, Johnson takes Koscheck out in the second round.
  10. I left to beat the crowd out of Bayou City wings at the end of the fight because I felt like Shogun had it hands down one. I thought at best it might have been 3-2 in the rounds but I felt Shogun won that fight. He missed alot, but so does everyone else on Machida, but his strikes that connected looked like they did more damage than Lyoto's. With the exception of the knee strikes that Machida landed to his liver. Rothwell looked like poo also, I thought that fight would be better.
  11. I don't remember seeing Tito nearly submitting Machida unless you say that an attempt is a near submission. I never thought Lyoto was in that much danger of submission from Ortiz.
  12. Now that would not have anything to do with you being employed there now would it!!!! ;D
  13. Tito/Forrest 1 was not a great fight but pretty good. I think that Forrest wants to come out and make a statement, I don't like Tito anyway so i hope he loses.
  14. Cleveland 38 Shepherd 6 Now will be the week to see how much they have really turned things around.
  15. Silva definitely. I think he is every bit as quick and suprisingly stronger than people think. But with Lyoto's style he could end up frustrating Silva into being too aggresive and make a mistake. Would be a great fight.
  16. I don't know if Kimbo will ever really make a huge career due to the fact that he is in his late 30's. Granted he is in phenomenal condition but I think that his age combined with the lack of true MMA experience will limit his career length. I say 5 years tops and he is done. But he could make some big money in that 5 years.
  17. :D I never said baseball I don't like him as a person. He actually impressed me with the way he carries himself and the blogs about him in the house have painted him as a guy who wants to learn. roy Nelson also seems like a good guy, but my point was that Nelson seemed to do "just what it took" to win. I respect both of them as people, just the fight itself was a letdown.
  18. I am not a huge Kimbo fan at all but Nelson did not really impress me that much. I guess he felt like he could dominate him without having to damage him that much because those shots he was taking in the crucifix were not devastating at all. I do believe that Kimbo rocked him hard and if he had not gone for the knee at the end he might have sent the fight to a third round if he made it to the end of the second. But I predict that Kimbo fights for the big boy Marcus next week and loses a second time.
  19. Well if according to the coaches in the three Baytown schools are right that may be happening sooner than later. Words coming from coaches in Goose Creek is that there is a possibility of all three becoming 4A's
  20. I think that whoever scores the most points will win!!! ;D
  21. If you need a photographer or a gopher or anything at all I am the man you need to call!! ;D
  22. That is because it is, it is not going to be complete for quite some time but it is happening. This is still the arguement I made with you the last time. Boxing is still a great sport, MMA is another great sport. If you take into account the marketing and other items that fans can get about their favorite MMA guy then MMA is starting to edge out boxing in fan recognition and popularity. Boxing will never be replaced, but I do feel that as the years go on that MMA will take its place right next to it in popularity, which has already started to take place. Both are great sports and boxing has a huge past that MMA does not have yet. Boxing as a sport has been around for centuries whereas MMA has only existed in any form since the late 80's early 90's. The fighting arts of the eastern world were used as just that, fighting and protection and not as much as competition to see which style is better other than on the street level where you may have guys from individual styles testing each other out. But for the most part, martial arts competitions were about seeing who the best in that specific discipline was. The current model of MMA is still an infant compared to boxing. There is more than enough attention for both to go around without all of us continually arguing about which is better. It is an opinion which are like butts, all of us have one. Your opinion is no more valid than mine is or vice versa.
  23. Still trying to beat a dead horse I see. Noone on here has ever said MMA out sells boxing, and yet you just keep trying to stir up arguements.
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