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Everything posted by GoDogs27

  1. I mean I'm proud of you guys and all, and im rooting for you (until we meet again), but its getting a little ridiculous having to weed through all these threads and its been bad for a few weeks. I know youre all excited, i get it; but act like youve been here before.. I guess I just added to the problem with another thread lol..
  2. Oh wow.. Dog fans are in full force today. Loudest, roudiest bunch I've heard all year. Nederland already filling the stands. HS has about 15 people in the stands. And thats a generous figure..
  3. Holy smokes. Sounds like the bears are the sissies... Cant wait for the crow eatin after this one! Lol great job Pirates!
  4. Keep it up Pirates! Anybody got a clue if its on any radio station? I know its on the internet but i only have access on my phone so no streaming capability.
  5. Is this broadcast on the radio anywhere? Im at work and dont have internet access..
  6. Was this the coach that told his team to walk off the field? I cant remember if it was Colmesneil or not, but if so, thats probably a good reason why...
  7. I dont need nor want attention. Im not the only one posting with the same viewpoint. I just have my opinions and experiences and I bring them to this forum. The thread got way off topic but ill end my rant here and just say that this is one of those things we will never change each others views on so lets just coexist. I apologize if i have offended anyone with my posts. I dont always agree with others views but i respect them 100%. THAT is what America is about and should be about. I cant change what a school or student says before a game. If its a prayer then its illegal, bottom line. Until that changes, I cant support "the majority's" wishes. I just dont want either side to be bitter about the other side.
  8. [quote name="Campee" post="1120489" timestamp="1321483734"] [quote author=invictus link=topic=91617.msg1119094#msg1119094 date=1321390195] I don't agree. There is a separation of church and state, period.  Pray on your own all you want, but I shouldn't have to listen to it. [/quote] One day you may have wished you had listened to a few prayers and maybe said a few yourself... and that day will come!!! [/quote] Prime example of why a lot of people wont go to church nor listen to people like you. Dont tell me what i should or shouldnt do. You just do you and ill do me. Dont worry about what im doing with my life. I grew up going to church and i can say with first hand experience that i was and am a better person than most people i came across in the religious sector of society at least in terms of morals, respect, and how i treat other people. Nobody is perfect, i understand that. I just think its funny when someone beats the door down to the church every sunday and then lies, drinks, cheats, judges, an gossips on a regular basis without correcting their wrongs. They just show up to church and all is forgiven. Wash, rinse, and repeat. For as long as there have been humans, good people have done good things and evil people have done evil things. But for good people to do evil things... Well that requires religion...
  9. [quote name="bulldog1984" post="1120438" timestamp="1321480242"] Whatever you say... Just remember my last post because one day you just might need him and he wont be there ! [/quote] Then I feel sorry for you. That's not the kind of God I would want to trust in anyway. Not one that turns his back on me. The God I believe in is always there for me.
  10. [quote name="Mark F Barnes" post="1120051" timestamp="1321461996"] GoDogs77, I don't even watch Saturday Night live, so assume all you want. And in this era of hypersensitivity and political correctness, you can think what you may. I could really care less. If you want to keep stirring that crap you are selling, have a good time. You want to talk tough and call people cowards, enjoy yourself. after Friday all of this crap will be a moot point and the better team will move on to the third round. Eventually this thread will die and life for some of us will go on. I could give a rats hind end who you think you will own, or whatever. If you actually think about the statement in a literal sense, the only person that can insult your intelligence is yourself. Just like you assuming I knew who this SNL character was. Or assuming you know what I meant by saying something. Or trying to play the race card to validate your point. So be it tough guy Have a nice day [/quote] Nobody is "assuming" anything. Which is why we asked for you to explain what you meant. You made a comment, that in hindsight was a mistake. It happens, but to turn around and try to say you didnt mean it racially or derogatory is a bit of a backpedal no? It's about owning up to something. I dont think anyone would've said anything about it until you tried to cover yourself by using the screename of another user on here. That was just plain stupid because you never said what you meant by it. If that was the case, then what would that other user have anything to do with driving around in Vidor? But, its ok, you dont have to explain yourself. We can all see through it... I don't care how many years a person was an olympic athlete or wwe champ or captain of the lacrosse team; if you can't own up to something without excuses, then you arent a man in my book..
  11. [quote name="Nederland Dog 2006" post="1120299" timestamp="1321473135"] I know one game at a time. But i really dont see any team giving us TOO MUCH trouble besides Lake Travis. We possibly could meet up with Vidor in the quarterfinals. I believe Vidor could make a deep run. They got a stingy defense. Nederland is gonna make some serious noise. Sorry Stratford. Not gonna happen. 8) [/quote] Pearland Dawson... would be a major shocker...
  12. [quote name="Coach Comeaux" post="1120356" timestamp="1321476350"] [quote author=bulldog1984 link=topic=91617.msg1120341#msg1120341 date=1321475488] Sorry to affend you dog 27, im sure your a good citizen but thats whats wrong with some people they think just because they are good citizens or just good people they will make it to heaven but i must tell you what Jesus Christ has to say about that... NO ONE IS GOOD  not one so all the things you think you do good he doesnt recongnize unless you accept him as your savior.. I think thats where your missing the point . Go Dogs  and keep praying ! [/quote] I don't think in any of his post he ever said whether or not he was a Christian.... I think the only point he is arguing is having to listen to a prayer .... If I missed him declaring one way or another then oops ;-D I think this argument is getting off the topic it started about.... but hey don't most LOL... I will simply back out and say We will have to agree to disagree on this subject .... I have no ill feelings towards anyones believes or non believes... it is not my job to sit in judgment of anyone that believes differently than me.... I will continue with my believes and everyone else continue with yours.... [/quote] Lol thank you coach. I never ever said anything about what I believed or didnt believe. This isnt about Christianity or Buddhism or Islam, at least not directly. Nobody ever said anything about heaven or hell either or what will "get me there." Thats the difference between me and most religious people. I dont do good deeds just because I think it will save my a$$.. I do them because it betters the world we live in now. I wont waste my time singing songs and clapping my hands at the sky. That doesnt help people or society. Thats MY opinion which I am sure most disagree with and thats fine. The overall emotion we have to have is tolerance. For a Christian to say that anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as their savior is going to hell, is just as bad as a Muslim saying that all Christians should die because Christianity is the wrong religion. Its stooping down to that same level anyway. Nobody, and I mean nobody has the right to shove their religion down anyones throat and pass it off as truth. I love to ask people how they know that Christianity is the "right" religion.. 99% of the time the answer is always, "because the bible says so." Need I say more on that? And I appreciate the nice gestures, but I dont NEED any prayers or NEED any guidance lol. Im not a "lost soul" needing salvation. The point here is about prayer before games, and what I NEED is for people to respect this country we live in and the laws of the land. When the supreme court recognizes the U.S. as a Christian nation, then by all means lets hold hands and have the Lord's Supper on Friday Nights... otherwise dont say a prayer unless you expect to have a Christian prayer, a jewish prayer, a buddhist prayer, a muslim prayer, etc....
  13. yeah good point tvc.. I would refer to the scientific principle of Occam's Razor in this scenario. Is it more likely that a)He was intoxicated and happened to fall face first right onto a railroad track (and from what I understand it was a good distance away from any crossing) or b)Someone hit him over the head, knocked him out, and then put him on the tracks My gut says option 'b' but our justice system doesnt use Occam's Razor or there would be a whooooole lot of innocent people in jail..
  14. [quote name="Purple Runs Deep" post="1120081" timestamp="1321463516"] Why do prayers need to be spoken out loud? Is it less of a prayer if an individual keeps it to themselves? [/quote] ding ding ding... common sense prevails again.. [quote author=bulldog1984 link=topic=91617.msg1120065#msg1120065 date=1321462798] Dog 27 your way off in your thinking, this is why our country is so screwed up because of people like you !! Just like most people here  they just want to have a simple prayer at a football game but noooo that might hurt someones feeling , get over it and dont listen to it. People have misinterpeted the constitution many times to fit what they believe it says and so has the Holy Bible . Our country is fallen apart because we are trying to please all the nay sayers instead of the majority. [/quote] Our country is screwed up because of "people like me?" Well pal, let me inform you of a few things. I don't ever bring this up to anyone, but since you wanna call me out Ill say it. For the past few years I have had 20-40 hours of community service each year. This is not mandated or required in any way by anyone. I just do it on my own. I have volunteered at special needs homes, disaster cleanups, soup kitchens, rehab centers, underprivileged youth centers, etc. I have never been arrested, heck I have never gotten a traffic ticket. I graduated near the top of my class, I went to college, got a degree, and I've worked a job ever since I was 16 years old. So, if thats whats wrong with the world today, then I take full blame for being such a terrible person to society. I shouldve realized that instead of doing those things, I shouldve been praying. Then the world would be a better place. How stupid of me for not doing that. Side note for your betterment: Dont attack someones character when you know nothing about them. It makes you look really dumb.
  15. [quote name="baddog" post="1120143" timestamp="1321466083"] Razor, I hear Stratford is better than their record too. Isn't it funny how no team is ever worse than their record? Gotta be true sometimes.  ;D [/quote] Yeah Barbers Hill.. lol oops did i just say that? p.s. save it BH fans, I know, I know you beat us...
  16. [url=[Hidden Content]] Has foul play been ruled out already? I mean this is very suspicious...
  17. Probably Friday afternoon at the high school..
  18. Bending over backwards? How is not saying a prayer bending over backwards? Again, nobody has acknowledged the fact that you can say it in your head so why does it have to be broadcast. It seems much more personal that way to begin with! If you believe God to be omnipotent then one person leading several thousand people is just as good as each person saying their own prayer. Its just an attempt of the religious to intrude where they don't belong and then try to mask it as their right. Its not your right, my right or anyone else's right, and it never was. Ill say it again because apparently people cant comprehend well, its got nothing to do with majority vs. minority lol. If that were the case, our country would have already gone to hell in a handbasket and we would look like the middle east. And to answer you Akifan, yes that is a perfect solution. As a matter of fact, I think Nederland does a fantastic job. Call it a prayer if you want, but it begins with, "We ask for" and then it never ends with an "in Jesus name" or any other preference to a deity. This is how it should be. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1119895" timestamp="1321454488"] Iv'e yet to see a self proclaimed Atheist,Die an Atheist...With Their last dying breath they say Oh God,I don't want to die...Calling on the very ONE they have denied all the years...JMO [/quote] Nobody has said anything about Atheism?? this is a thread on prayer before football games, not religious beliefs.
  19. Yep, the less you put out on the internet, the less chance you have of it biting you in the a$$! Never understood these people that post pictures on facebook of them getting drunk or dressed in something slutty looking. If I was an employer, i would check every potential employees facebook/twitter before I hired them. I dont care what their credentials are, but if they are dumb enough to post stupid stuff online, then they are too dumb to work for me.
  20. [quote name="Mark F Barnes" post="1118785" timestamp="1321374580"] No disappearance, just traveling all day yesterday. And I have no roid rage. Never have. And as far as racial slurs? Someone will have to explain that one. I've been on the forum for years, never come across that before. Seems to me I may have hit a nerve or two but made no racial slurs. Someone evidently doesn't know who Tyrone is. Tyrone is a poster in here that goes by "Tyrone Biggums". And I can't swear to it but I'll bet he's Caucasian. Not sure where that could be misconstrued as a racial slur. Personally I could care less otherwise. I come in here to talk football. Not to get into petty pissing matches with people that are taking life way too seriously.  I help or answer questions on here when asked. I didn't answer the question about a player of ours that no longer playing, on purpose, I won't discuss a kids personal business out in an open forum. But those on here that know me, know that if emailed or IM'd, I generally always respond. And as far as me touting about myself, I rarely talk about myself. I was asked, in a certain tone I felt obliged to answer. I personally could give a rats hind end either way. I have better things to worry about in life. I've got some meetings to be at, but I will be on later if someone cares to discuss it further, otherwise I'm done within, and let's get back to football. [/quote] Dont insult my intelligence because I will own you. you said, "Tyrone knows better than to be driving around Vidor" you're a joke dude. own up to your comments instead of trying to backpedal. Tyrone Biggums may be a poster on here but its also a black character played by Dave Chappelle and I am betting you knew that before you made the comment. So again, how could your comments about driving around Vidor not be racist? You say you only come on here to talk football yet you made a very derogatory and racial slur about Vidor. You're no different than any other coward who hides behind a keyboard.
  21. [quote name="vp32" post="1119739" timestamp="1321422797"] These are high school kids. They probably don't even have twitter accounts lol. [/quote] You'd be surprised. 20% of twitter users are middle high and high school students. (12-17 years)
  22. [quote name="akifan94" post="1119632" timestamp="1321416560"] [quote author=GoDogs27 link=topic=91617.msg1119600#msg1119600 date=1321414888] [quote author=bulldog1984 link=topic=91617.msg1119386#msg1119386 date=1321406271] thats whats wrong with our country these days, it the minorty winning and not the majority winning. I would say more than 90 percent would love prayer at the games leaving 10 percent not liking it. I guess thats what our country has come too. LET MINORTY RULE  ... I think not !!! [/quote]Your logic is seriously flawed. Its got nothing to do with what percentage wants it vs. what percentage doesnt. If thats how you view this, you know nothing about America and our values. People that think this country was founded on God or Christianity, pick up a few history books. You sound ignorant. Side note to help you out: God was never originally in the Pledge of Allegiance. The pledge was modified in the 1950's to add "under God". And your next point will surely be about the phrase "In God We Trust." well guess what? That wasnt added to currency until the civil war. Now, praying at the games doesnt offend me or bother me at all. But what does offend me is when people try to warp our country's values around what they believe our country's values should be. Read up on our founding fathers and their whole entire reasoning for the revolution and why they set our government up the way they did. [/quote] You are wrong. Our founding fathers did not want to become a church state. That had nothing to with prayer at school, Christmas trees, crosses or any other thing that might "offend" someone. What is ironic is that by passing a law against it the "state" is not separated at all from the church. The First Amendment reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." I am currently reading "A Patriot's History of The United States" by Larry Schweikart. Try picking it up and educating yourself. [/quote] I have more education about the founding of our country in my pinky toe than you would believe. Laws must be made even with regard to issues that the state does not want to intervene on. Theres a time and place for church and its not friday night at the football stadium. Ill go to the CHURCH on sunday if i want to hear that. Id love to see what you people would do if a kid got up there and said a muslim prayer. But by your logic, that kid has just as much right. Or wait, does it have to be a Christian prayer? Cause clearly everyone else is wrong and 'this down hur is the south son and we beleeve in God and Jesus. This hur is whats wrong with tha wurld terday. Cant even go down to the walmarts without seeing those kids runnin aroun' actin a fool. If e'ryone went to church this world would be a better place.' The sad thing is, most of the evil in this world exists because people try to stuff their own religious beliefs down everyone elses throats. I've always thought that if religious people would stop worrying so damn much about what everyone else thinks, theyd be much happier people.
  23. [quote name="Coach Comeaux" post="1119772" timestamp="1321432251"] You don't want to stand up and scream from the top of the mountain that you pray for the safety of the kids on the field, the fans in the stand the safe travel home from the game??? I just don't understand...... Every one is for freedom of speech... until it has to do with something they do not believe in..... then it is a nuisance.... especially if it has to do with religion...  So if a young adult stands up and grabs a mic and says a prayer and happens to mention GOD.... should we as a society condemn them? Or should we say wow that child had enough FAITH in what they believe in to speak it to everyone.... No one is holding a gun to anyone's head at a football game...... if you do not want to pray for safety for the kids on the field... safe travel..... our soldiers over seas ( whether you believe in the cause or not ) the Refs ability to make a fair call.... [size=14pt][u][i][b]then why are you at the game? [/b][/i][/u][/size] This topic could go on forever and get real ugly.... but I will say this.... If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.... I have no problem if you do not believe in God..... I do not have a problem if you have no choice.... What I do have a problem with is.... you telling me I CAN'T SAY WHAT I WANT TO SAY ANYWHERE BECAUSE IT OFFENDS YOU... WHEN YOU CAN SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHING.... Just because I believe in God and want to profess it out loud BOO ME.... when you hear a prayer at a football game just BOO..... GROW BALLS AND BOO!!! if you have enough believe in what you say.... BOO.... STAND AMONG YOUR PEERS AND LET THEM KNOW OUT LOUD YOU DISAPPROVE.... JUST GROW BALLS AND BBBBOOOOO its that freaking SIMPLE! [/quote] sooooo by this logic, i can go onto your church and grab a mic and sfart shouting praise allah? Or i can go onto a plane and start shouting i have a bomb? Free speech right? Bottom line is, yes we have freedome of speech and freedom of religion. What we dont have is the right to exercise it anytime and anywhere we see fit. Dont bring church to my football games and i wont play football in your church.
  24. [quote name="bulldog1984" post="1119386" timestamp="1321406271"] thats whats wrong with our country these days, it the minorty winning and not the majority winning. I would say more than 90 percent would love prayer at the games leaving 10 percent not liking it. I guess thats what our country has come too. LET MINORTY RULE  ... I think not !!! [/quote]Your logic is seriously flawed. Its got nothing to do with what percentage wants it vs. what percentage doesnt. If thats how you view this, you know nothing about America and our values. People that think this country was founded on God or Christianity, pick up a few history books. You sound ignorant. Side note to help you out: God was never originally in the Pledge of Allegiance. The pledge was modified in the 1950's to add "under God". And your next point will surely be about the phrase "In God We Trust." well guess what? That wasnt added to currency until the civil war. Now, praying at the games doesnt offend me or bother me at all. But what does offend me is when people try to warp our country's values around what they believe our country's values should be. Read up on our founding fathers and their whole entire reasoning for the revolution and why they set our government up the way they did.
  25. [quote name="CanineDog" post="1118995" timestamp="1321385745"] Was at the Vidor game last Thursday and a young lady from Vidor gave an outstanding prayer over the loudspeaker before the game.  I sure do miss ánd wish God was more a part of our sports like he once was.  Why doesnt Nederland or any other team do this anymore???  It sure was nice hearing that prayer before the game .  Kudos to Vidor. [b][/b] [/quote] Ummmmmmm. Because its ILLEGAL! There's a reason for it and its a good reason. If you want to pray then talk to God in your head. Why do i need to hear it? Also, if i want to pray, why would i want someone else to speak to my God for me? I can do it on my own and it be just as pleasing to him, no? Bottome line: this is just another attempt by the hardcore religious to try and stick their beliefs and ideas on other people. Get over it and realize that it does more harm than good. pray in your head.
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