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  1. I love football- and it is a shame that instead of supporting ALL of our kids, we are worried about tearing each other down.  But I would like to make a point...couldn't the football kid's parents make the same claim about the band?  The band leaves the stands with a good amount of time left in the 2nd quarter to go down on to the track and warm up.  I was actually at a game where the drill team was so close to the field that one of our kids accidently ran over her when attempting to catch a pass.  Those kid's parents could claim that their child was distracted by flags flying or music being played...Those Lumberton kids and coaches meant no harm by warming up...they were simply doing the same thing that the band, cheerleaders, twirlers, drill team, and flag core does before their performance...warm up.  My point is not to attack the band, because I don't find them distracting before half-time.  I just wanted to give another point of view and remind some that we need to be supporting all of our kids!
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