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Everything posted by wildcat_in_pink

  1. Game 2 final. Score Wildcats 3- Rice 0
  2. Lets go Wildcats!!! same team that we played 1st round last year in the same stadium
  3. Kirbyville vs Rice Consolidated All games at Caney Creek High School Thursday @ 6 pm Friday @6 pm and if needed Saturday @ 3pm
  4. I am so proud of these boys they play with their hearts and I know they can do this. We have a very young team and most of these boys have been playing ball together since they were 5 and 6 years old. We want it and they prove that every time they step in the field!
  5. I think the boys will be playing for someone tonight and will be playing with their hearts, so they will be fighting tonight! Good luck boys!!
  6. im not saying who is going to win or loose this game but i will say that there has always been a big rivalry between the cats and the eagles and those games always tend to be better, it all depends on who wants it more. I am just hoping that its a fair and clean game and i hope that all the players and fans are safe and no one gets hurt. i also hope that everyone stops and remembers that whether the cats or the eagles win they are all just kids, and are all out there doing their best.
  7. I know this wildcat will be at wos next game.....takem out stangs!!!
  8. I told our fans....that stadium has BAD MOJO!!!!
  9. Last i read thi thread was about how far Kirbyville couldgo in playoffs, not how good Huffman or Kville is.  I personally think that we have a good fighting chance to go a couple of rounds. i wish every surrounding outh East Texas Team good Luck!! make us all Proud!!
  10. you dont need to know anything the Mustangs have this game!! Good luck from the Wildcats!!
  11. I think this is going to bea great ball game. I hope the boys are pumped up because that tends to make them want to win and play harder. so fans lets not themthem down, bring everything you  have to cheer on our Cats!!! Lets prove every hater wrong!!!
  12. i dont care who else goes as long as the cats make it!!! its not like we will play our own again until really late anyway....if they make it that far.
  13. thanks guys!! Lets show them Cats!!! you've got it now !! it doesnt matter where we place in district as long as we make playoffs....and we WILL make playoffs!!
  14. :D :D :D :D [size=24pt][color=red]KIRBYVILLE FOR SURE!!!![/color][/size]
  15. its no secret that Lil will is my families favorite pick but we also know that one young man on the field can not win a ballgame by himself...we love every one of our wildcats. Sexton is an awsome player and has gotten stronger every game...Diboll will have to work mighty hard to beat the cats and im sure we will give them one heck of a game, so im saying kats by at least 2 tds.... i need to start training my 9 yr old to be a kicker, anyone want to help start him now!!!  LETS GO CATS!!! and T daddy if we are a bunch of thugs, then what does that make you? a saint? the game is over so drop it and move on to your next game...go harrass the thread about jasper, and good luck in play offs. not all of us hate you, but i am tired of hearing how we are all thugs.
  16. [font=courier][size=14pt][size=12pt] Good Luck Diboll...as long as Lil' Will is on the field we are good.... it takes about 5 guys to get him down.....Lets go Cats!!! ;D ;D[/size][/size][/font]
  17. [quote name="T-daddy" post="1090603" timestamp="1319261916"] Get the broom clean sweep from 7th - varsity Jasper = 158 kville. = 45 Just sayin don't think their is one age group kville can get excited about or look forward to...it will continue to be a down hill slide [/quote] First off let it be known that i am both a Bulldog and Wildcat Fan, I went to school at both schools and love both teams, I am what you call a WildDog, however i do not appreciate the statement about the younger kids. I have a son that plays on the Jr PeeWee cat team and yes they only won one game they tried. your comment was a slap in the face to me. I know that both teams had bad calls and there was alot of bad sportsmanship going on from both teams, but everyone is blowing this way out of porportion. I do not wish Jasper any ill will nor my cats, but GROW UP!!!  If we are going to be beat i want to be beat by the best, so good luck Bulldogs, you deserve the district title...As for us cats we still have a great shot at district, so lets get out there and win 2nd in district. If you want to get back at the Dogs, prove your better by playing your best and going further in playoffs. And may the best team win. Great Win Jasper and Great Job Cats you proved your still #1 to me!!! It was a a great game! See you next week in Kville.....And last Go #33 you played one heck of a game, luv us some Lil' Will
  18. Cats have this one!!! we have been playing bigger and harder schools to get us ready for this game.....and the rest ofthe season. i also think that all its going to take is one win to get the cats rolling again....Lets go Wildcats
  19. Little Will is an all around good kid....he plays with his heart and he leads his team with pride. When the team starts slowing down its Will who proves its not over yet! when my little ones tell me they want to be like Lil Will i tell them thats a great person to be like. Will you defininatly have one family behind you all the way!!! Keep up the good work!!
  20. The way I see it is 2 teams all new players.....2 new head coaches.......I think this game can go to either team. Yes our records show all losses but look at who we've been playing! You can't learn and get better by playing losing teams.....Irvine might just be what K-ville needs to jump start them...... I also feel like its a friday night in Southeast Texas and win or lose we will all be doing what we love,  watching our own boys play football.....be nice fans kids are on here they don't need all bad responses, they learn from us! GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP!  Good game and good luck to both the Mustangs and the Wildcats!
  21. You are all in are prayers here in Wildcat Country! !!! Keep us all posted
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