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Everything posted by wildcat_in_pink

  1. Come on cats!!!
  2. Ninth grade half time score 0- 14 kville
  3. well if we come to play, Kville will win, if we come to only play the 1st half only bc will take no prisoners...But if the boys play with everything they have i have a good filling that the cats will turn it all around and be ready for distrect :P
  4. Why is it that we always give up the 2nd half!!!!! We still could and can win!!!! WAKE UP WILDCATS!!!!!!!!
  5. I know this might ruffle some feathers but i dont care..... I was very VERY upset when Jack left. I wanted him to be a Coach Barbay, or Coach Hooks or even a Coach Walcoviac (ms),my point is i was hoping he wanted to leave a legacy, a name that when you heard Kirbyville you automatically thought of him. But instead he left when the getting was good. the coaches listed above stayed with their teams when it was going to be a good year or a bad. in most cases even their bad years they were still good, that has alot to be said about the coaching staff. not saying Coach Neese will not or is not a great coach i pray he does great, and i think its funny we still have a Coach Alvarez. but im still upset he bailed and ran.... :'(
  6. every prediction i have read i read last year and look what happened!!! Lets go Cats!!!! im not saying either team is going to win but i am saying it is going to be a close one! i am rooting for my cats!!!  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
  7. i with 68....the boys need to hear both good and bad news...that will make hem stronger in the long run. After the 1st game i to was scared the boys had given up on themself, and had lost their heart. im glad it was pointed out that we the fans are still there and are waiting for them to return with their hearts ready to play..... I love my Wildcats and want them to remember to play for themselves, play because you love it, and play with your heart. God will do the rest. and win or lose you will still have a packed house! Because we all love you!!! Lets show everyone who thinks we cant do it, that we can and with Class!!! so no more laps on the field boys!!!!
  8. I had a friend ask me why I haven't posted this year, my reply was they don't want to hear what I have to say....well here it is.. First I missed what happened when the eagle got hurt and the whole stands heard a coach say a wordy  dird  but I did see my cats running a lap during a game. I hope you were embarrassed ....one reason I love my wildcats is because you have always played with your hearts. Last week you did not....this week was better but you you let the boys in purple shake you. Be better than them....show them win or lose you left everything you had on the field. Prove it doesn't matter if you win....Please play together as a team again...your fans are still there for you...you boys now have to show yourself that you still have it, on and off the field. No more bad sportsmanship penalties two wrongs don't make a right but a team of my mighty wildcats can make one awsome team......we don't care if you win or lose as long as you play till the clock runs out and you can leave knowing you did your best! My boys look up to you, so please show them how a REAL WILDCAT plays ball!!!!!! I do and will forever love my cats!!!! We can eat eagle stew next year!!
  9. I'm just glad to see everyone still thinking we will be ok. I've been hearing by more than one person that this was Kirbyville's year and that next year is going to be horrible. I also heard that Jasper will be a team that is going to make a statement next year. I think Houston would make a fine qb and hope the Mighty Cats are ready to come back next year and show everyone not to count us out just yet.....
  10. [b][color=red][size=12pt][font=Georgia]OK just so its said i cheer for ANY Southeast Texas team in the playoffs.. with that being said Scooter we get it you dont think we will win, we all can read and understand. so Please get off it.  Next when i logged in to this particular forum it was titled " KIRBYVILLE VS COLDSPRINGS" Nothing about Brownwood or any other team. Yes we all can read the playoff bracket as well. We all know that Brownwood is the team to beat, but WHO CARES!!! thats still 4 rounds away! we are still playing and trying to back our cats from Week to week! So you made your statement and if you hate us that much get off of THE WILDCATS FORUM!!!!! Last IF and WHEN we make it to state....I personally feel just us making it to the state game is an honor! we were 2a last year and THE SMALLEST 3a this year, but we might make it. We will see you on Brownwoods side. Do we care no, but we made it and thats better than what you did. [move]Lets Go Wildcats!! you got this one![/font][/size][/color][/b][/move]
  11. [quote name="Kville99" post="914024" timestamp="1290230107"] playing on friday andnot thursday should make kville68 happy...LOL [/quote] haha thats funny!! ;D :D ;D :D
  12. [quote name="BPSWildcat" post="907956" timestamp="1289702109"] Ok here's what I see from this and a few other threads. 1. Kville68 is obviously, from some recent posts, a Grissom with an axe to grind. Get over the Thursday night games man...you do know we're not the only se TX team left playing, right? And we're playing a team from...ummm...uhhh...WACO!!! LOGISTICS...LOOK IT UP! 2. Stink...don't let these guys get to you! I've never seen you so snappy and aggrivated by a papsmear or two. We both know Jack has done the best job of any kville coach...ever! And success breeds tremendous following...that's why these posts criticizing our coaches make the authors seem like they're writing from retardsville! So let them continue to embarrass themselves. 3. To the players that read these things...STOP IT!!! There's way too many old, wrinkly, e.d. infested guys on here that you don't need to listen to! Stay focused guys...were all proud of you! And if anybody wants to talk about this post in further detail, I'll be in Humble Thurs ...my name is Dean Wright...find me! [/quote] you are one of my husbands friends and i wont have a problem telling you what i think!
  13. [quote name="kicker" post="909669" timestamp="1289839037"] Not sure about this year, but when we played them in 07 I think, LaVega was a very big team. Their O and D line were huge. They beat us, Cant remember the score, but they manhandled our lines all night. I think that was just a special year for them. I do remember that they have a traveling fan base of the likes of PNG or Nederland. And they all chant in unison. Reminded me of LaMarque fans in the '90s. Go get em K'ville! Im rooting for you. heck, i might even try to make it to yalls game. [/quote] there is alot i want to respond to but this one i could not pass up....[color=red]I do remember that they have a traveling fan base of the likes of PNG or Nederland. [/color] well you must not come to many of our games because or town has a population of maybe 2,000, and you better believe we are almost all at the games...even in big stadiums we take up almost the whole side. i bet we carry a larger crowd if not twice the amount.  and who cares if the cheer in unison! we have cowbells and VERY LOUD MOUTHS!!!!!! sorry but im all for pumping it up for the cats. and as long as we are cheering you can tell the boys love it!!! one more thing....GO LIL WILL!!! hit'em hard!
  14. [size=12pt]i have to agree with 68 but i also see were everyone else is coming from. I have 4 kids and im having to leave 2 with a baby sitter thursday night because of school. Its not fair to them to miss their favorite team. My 10 yr old does not miss a game and actually watches the whole time. But this week the Cats #1 fan will be left in Kirbyville. I hope this is the last thursday game.... I will be there with the 2 babies cheering on my cats, but i worry about all the kids and their school work. This is for all kids K-12.....Lets go wildcats and turn on the windshild wipers on high, because this Mac truck is on it way to DALLAS!!!!!![/size]
  15. my check list!!!
  16. Thank you Big Pa and i wouldalso like tothankmy brother who is serving in the US Army now!!! we all love and thank you
  17. [quote name="ChampionEagles" post="900883" timestamp="1289170482"] A team should ALWAYS want to win, but should NEVER humiliate an opponent. Alverez has brought the cats to the forefront as a program and a team. Quit whining about "killer instinct" and enjoy the ride. Kirbyville is 10-0. You don't get any better. The playoffs are always a new season. Go support the team any way you can. It's always a tremendous experience for the team, band, school, fans, and community. Wildcats by 21. Eagles are behind you! [/quote] i have to agree with you hear.... I also agree that when the fans get pumped so do our boys!! i think that if Kirbyville's going to roll up the sidewalks then we should make it sound like it!!!!! i think the towels is a cool idea!!! and dont forget the cow bells and butaine tanks!!!!! PUMP IT UP CATS!!!! oh what ever happened to the cheer WE WE ARE WE ARE THE WILDCATS!
  18. did you see that the state game is FRIDAY AT 4!!!!!
  19. [quote name="wildcatfan2000" post="899966" timestamp="1289095345"] Wildcats ROLL ON! Stay focused on the game at hand, never ahead! Kcat-fan, it was truely nice to meet you this Friday night. It's nice to finally put a face to some of the names on here. Be safe on all of your travels! Hope to see you in Lufkin! Wildcat_in_pink, I have to agree with you girl. It was a VERY quiet night Friday, but then again, its kinda hard to cheer when your teeth are chattering!  :D Kville68, I'll buy the shoulder pads if you buy the cleats!! ;D ;D ;D ;D [/quote] ahhhh i know your not a sissy lala!!!! its never stoped us from cheering before!! :D :D :D
  20. we played an awsome game last night but ihave to say it was one of the most boring games ive ever been to! i love to watch kirbyville, not just the players but the fans... WE ARE LOUD! PROUD! AND OUTSPOKEN! but last night as i looked across the stands i saw alotof camo jackets.....but i thinkthe problem was not the jackets but the men practising for opening day of deer season!! I could heart the boys talking on the field....what was up?? we play Brownsboro next week.....LETS BRING OUR COWBELLS and VOICES!!!!!! Gotta keep them Mighty Wildcats Awake out there....
  21. Gotta say Kville all the way!!!! 3rd times a charm! :D
  22. i cant wait not only a great ball game to watch but 2 great bands!!!! LETS GO WILDCATS!!!!! and Wildcat fans lets bring on the noise this time....to many peoplemust have been practising for openingday!! ive never been to a quiet ball game. I can honestly saw it sucked.....I LOVE OUR MOUTHS!!!!!
  23. [quote name="HomerJ" post="895526" timestamp="1288798749"] Carthage mashed Gilmer..who is down but still very good.  Carthage is gaining steam and as one earlier poster put-they are the team to beat in 3A.  [/quote] and were not!!! we have not let a game go yet!! Yes Carthage is a great team, but the cats know how they play ball. We lost the first year and won the second. I think that if and when they meet up, it will be the best game of the year and i know Kirbyville will Finally be bringing home a STATE TITLE!  and when we do meet up and we lose who cares WE AT LEAST MADE IT THERE!!! AND THIS WILL MAKE 3YRS AND COUNTING
  24. tyhats not mch of a game!!!! if you cant win hungington then you shouldn't even be on a field!!! jasper however will make play offs but they will lose out in game 1... :-[ i wish they were playing better..
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