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Everything posted by jmarc77657

  1. The Raiders did make alot of mistakes that night so it wasnt all dayton talent that won the game, but I will say it was the most fierce team I have ever seen us play in highschool football. they are quick and they have mastered the art of capitalizing on the smallest mistakes. This district is great but this season, everybody seems to be making alot of mistakes except them. I predict it will come down to Central and Dayton. PNG and Nederland is a mere name brand this year. At least until they prove them selves worthy of their predicesors. I am not saying they wont, but being purple isnt enough to go to playoffs, you have to have talent as well.
  2. I am going to optimistic and say that our boys have the heart to pull this one off. I will not take anything away from Central. they are a phenomenal team and we have our work cut out for us. We have a great offence but defence could use a bit of revamping. I hope we can get that done this week. I agree that our defence is gonna have to be alot better to beat Central.
  3. actually, yall can rub it in my face all day long. Any 3A team that beats that team are mac daddys in my book and yall deserve district in yall division.
  4. priciate it man...way to be a good sport...sorry I didnt get to meet you...had minor foot surgery this week and a walk over there woulda killed me haha
  5. just one more team that now understands what we're talking about...welcome to the club Ozen
  6. yall the crowd was crazy tonight. I had to make up my own parking space tonight...people were parking at walmart. I was strattling some parking stops...thank god for my truck...The fans were on fire! As predicted...there was alot more seating on the Vidor side but they did have a decent turn out.
  7. hbfan7...when you loose to dayton, then come tell me what kind of team we are. we are gonna prove to you guys one game at a time that this is not "the same old Lumberton" Tonight further proves that what happened in the past is exactly that...the past. Raiders 4-1
  8. Man what a game! I was bitting my nails at the end. It fell apart for us a bit in the third but we pulled it together and never let Vidor take the lead. The ball moved alot tonight. Seems to me that both teams need some work on defence. All in all this was a good homecomming game. Noone was leaving that one till it was over. Tonight further proved my point that people needed to quit rubbing Dayton in our faces at least until they played them. It seemed everyone thought our team was "the same old Lumberton" because we lost 1 game to a superior team. Dayton dominated again tonight. Thats one less team that will be rubbing it in our face. As far as Vidor, I tried to warn you to not be so cocky after you beat Nederland. From experience, if you win big, you stand a chance of losing big the next week.
  9. typical antilumberton post...why do I think Lumberton can win...cause they are my team, I support them. And this season, they havent given me enough reason to think they can't win. We may have lost to Dayton, but so will you so until you play dayton shut up.
  10. I am not just talking about the anti Lumberton posts...i am talking about the Lumberton post in generel...this thread could fit into anyone of the no less than 7 active lumberton posts.
  11. I am going to hook an electric taser to all Lumberton fans...that way when someone says something overzelous oranything but standard trashtalk...zap! That does not include bythe way, me saying that Lumberton WILL beat Vidor tomorrow...that is a bit of normal trash talk and supporting my team.
  12. seriously...yall how many lumberton post can we have? I dont even want to keep up with them any more...this is becoming less fun now...can we narrow this down to one or two please?
  13. You know what, I can honestly say several people, mostly other lumberton fans, need to take a class in trash talk. Its gonna be a good game. Lumberton is gonna beat vidor like they stole sumthin. It is an opinion for at least another 25 hours before it becomes fact. That is a valid trash talk comment. But man all this talk about us beating dayton again if we played them...come on guys, we lost fair and square. Take it like men. and most importantly, At the end of the week I would shake the hand of every man in this room. If you can't do the same, then sommeone has gone too far.
  14. dang when it comes to hockey, you are one smart cookie. ha...ha...what can I say I am very punny...very very punny
  15. you know if I didnt just have minor surgery and wasnt lying here on vikadin, I'd be saying something whitty and equally degrading about vidor, but I am so you get off...until tomorrow. right now I am just glad I can remember the webpage.
  16. I love the Wildcatter games. They would be so much better if it had a better fan base. I watch Hockey in Houston sometimes and the fans make all the difference in the world.
  17. well thats good. I dont want anyone here leaving upset.
  18. I could see that...one more question about Daytons Stadium...If Dayton is getting a new field and new stands. Why didnt they just build a new stadium at the highschool with better parking. I'll tell you what, whatching everybody trying to find parking an manuver around is like watching a bear on a tricycle. Plus I will admit I got directions from yahoo to the highschool drove allthe way over there to find out the stadium across town.
  19. man, I am all for hockey and I am still offended. oh well, if If South East Texas is a bunch of backwoods rednecks, I am proud to be one.
  20. anyone seen Lucky? He had said some really crappy stuff about me and I was offline for a whole day. When I got back on, the whole post was deleted and in new thread, he had appologized profusly, and then it too was gone and I havent seen him since. I figured somebody must have said something to him. I forgave him. I was just wondering where he went.
  21. So I can leave my wallet in the truck then? Don't worry, I'm a cheap date...iced tea for me.
  22. haha. yeah the halftime score would have alot to do with it...otherwise we would have some real riot pics...haha
  23. if we had the same coach, same players, same anything really then I could understand rating us based on the past. but any team that gets a proven coach and players with some real heart and talent, and a community that supports them has a great chance at being something great. The problem is that most teams havent been in our position. Most teams dont know what its like to only have potential to base your team on. Usually its the opposite, its the goliath teams that base their team on their past history, and they quickly realize that that team doesn't exist anymore. BTW, Goliath dies at the end.
  24. well then I'll just holler Police! we aught to have all the posters from the Lumberton and Vidor team meet at the visitor concession stand at half time and take a picture. We could really have some fun with it. Have some in a group hug...some looking like a riot.
  25. I figure at the end of the day, my boys are gonna bring the hat and I'm sure yalls will too. What I say on here aint gonna amount to crap as long as I keep it civil.
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