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Everything posted by jmarc77657

  1. he is still at the candlelight vigil for our streak. Noone else is there anymore, but theres just no consoling him.
  2. It will be a good game...I was just playin
  3. earlier someone had mentioned the run thru's. Lumberton just got one this year. The reason was because the old Coach thought they were cheesy so instead we ran thru paper...true PeeWee style. What do you think? Are they worth the money? Who has the best one? Talk Amungst ya selves...
  4. Gah! Nuthin but friends last week, but this week pirate fan wont even talk to me..."good idea coop" psh...I see how you are...hahaha
  5. why are their two threads going...why dont we stop this one and move it to the other one.
  6. someone else will have to help me here. I am not sure if the JV announcer and the Varsity announcer are the same. haha. For the longest time it was Mr. Buffington did it, who was great but showed little enthusiasm. Very traditional. You would like him probably. We do have a new one at the Varsity games and he is...enthusiastic...We like him but I can see why the other team might not. I know I would probably feel the same way if I were you.
  7. Yeah, we left the one guy in Lumberton to keep watch. Everybody else loaded up. and drove out. The players appriciated since it is over an hour drive.
  8. haha...Yeah we had a tight fit at the Fannett game and that was a scrimmage...we would have been wrapped around the field if it were a game. we have an awesome turnout this year. At the dayton game, when we finally did find seats, my GF had to sit below me and the kid sat in my lap. I guess they wanted to make sure that even the fans got squashed on Friday.
  9. I do have to say I hate our press box in Lumberton. I love our stadium except for that. looks like someone stuck a mobil home up there or something. The press box on the visitor side...the old main press box...looked way cooler. The other important thing is a good PA system. Daytons PA sucked. The visitors can't hear anything. But at least it didnt sound like the announcer didnt sound like an old Drive thru Speaker like some I have seen
  10. well, if you are really going for looks, and I could be wrong here but if you took a poll, the fans would say to build better stands than making a change that only diehard fans will appriciate. The average fan gets tickled with the Logo on centerfield. But if you can justify the avantage for your team, then I guess its ok, but a million dollars for a pretty field just seems so ficken expensive.
  11. I have an extra calculator if you would like one... I agree that their offence backed off in the 4th. but they were on in the third. and they never backed off on their defence and we were moving. but aside from all that, we had less fumbles and interceptions, and mistakes in general.
  12. ozen will get spanked like a four year old in K-Mart
  13. oh, we're kickin! It was only a flesh wound! ha
  14. Oh, its great except I should probably get some work done...haha
  15. well that is one definate difference between old Lumberton and new Lumberton. It is not just wishful thinking either. If you see Lumberton this year (even at the Dayton game) we dont fall apart at the end anymore. Most mistakes happen at the begginning of the game. Old Lumberton gave up after half time. This team really kicks it in high gear after halftime. I had so much respect for them because even with the loss being as bad as it was, everyone could see they really played hard the second half. We scored our TD in the second half and they only scored 14 vs. 41 in the first half. Even our critics commended our effort in the second half.
  16. This week I noticed that Dayton had a really nice field. I loved the Turf. Of course the visitor side stands werent big enough but no ones ever are. I think Lumberton is one of the few teams where the visitor side used to be the home side so it is very adequate. It is a pretty field, but is turf really worth the money? I know there are cons to it. Are there any benifits other than looks and maintenance?
  17. alright, alright, alright....whooo!...I am ready! That thing about no Lumberton fans in the stands....yall better get ready...that is no longer an issue. This is gonna be a game. Yall think our loss to Dayton meant something...All that meant was that everybody is about to loose to them. This year our powerhouse teams dont seem to be as strong as usual, due partially to injuries and failing grades. I predict Dayton is about to blow almost everyone out of the water in the very same fashion that they took Lumberton. Now...nuffa that. The Rivalry. This is actually nothing new. The farthest back I can remember it starting was when Coach Johnson left Lumberton to be the Head coach of the Pirates. I know it was really bad that year. There was some pranks and what not going between the two teams. It may be older than that. I am not sure. As far as the game. Vidor is feelin a bit confident because of taking Nederland. Lumberton is fighting mad right now. I actually thought these guys would be a bit depressed but they aren't...THEY ARE MAD! and they are just looking for someone to take it out on! So thank Dayton on 10:00 Friday night, Vidor, cause they done shook the hive!
  18. dayton by 21...unless the same refs are officiating, then it will be Dayton by 28. haha...j/k....(yes I know the bad call meant nothing in the big sceme of that game, but man that really made me mad...course everything that night made me mad.) I am holding a fundraiser to by that ref a seeing eye dog...any donations? normally a bad call is a bad call...happens all the time but it really did bouce 4 foot in the air...it was more obvious than any bad call I have ever seen in any sport ever...Whats the worst call yall have ever seen?
  19. dont forget to read the rest of that post. Would it have made a difference? absolutely, would it have been enough? no way. As a team we just wasn't enough last night.
  20. see post on the Score post...
  21. well I stated in one of the last post that I would gladly eat crow, because it was worth supporting my team, and it is. Dayton, my hat is off to you. You have a phenomenal team. Some of your team members are rude, and unsportsman like, judging from the post on the raider myspace that issued personal threats of fights after the game, and from some of the things that happened durring the game. But as a team you play good football. I have been to alot of football games and I have seen alot of good teams, especially in the district that we are in. I can honestly say I have never seen a team like this. I hate to say this but I dont think anyone in this district will touch them...someone might beat them, but they will probably win district if they keep playing like that. The Raiders made some mistakes tonight, and one very bad spirit crushing bad call, but even without all of that, They were just a phenomenal team...I kindof wish they stayed where they were. As far as the Raiders go. Their loss was humbling enough. Alot of the guys get on this site so please show them a little respect. I wanted to share with yall the post I wrote them on the Raider Myspace: I thought alot about what to say to you guys tonight. You when I created this site, the very first thing I wrote was this: Raiders, you guys are awesome and you are being led by a phenomenal coach. Along with your number, you have greatness written on your jerseys. Don't let anyone see any different. No matter what, we as a community stand behind you 100%. You are OUR team, and we are YOUR fans. so Go, Fight, Win. I wrote that knowing full well that there would come a day when the team will loose. I wrote that knowing that when that day came, that that statement would not change. You are awesome. You are led by a phenomenal coach. I know alot of you personally and when I say that you have greatness written on your jerseys, I dont just mean a history of winning or and unbelievable talent. I mean you as individuals are truly great. You as a team are truly great. Don't let anyone believe any different. And lastly, we as a community stand behind you 100% I have more respect for you guys than you will ever know. You are our team and we are your loyal fans. That being said, we have a long season ahead with many challenges to face. If you let tonight tear you down, you might as well not show up to the rest of the games. Look at this game like the battle of the Alamo. When Texas fought for independence from mexico, they were devestated when Mexico completely conquered the battle of the Alamo. Had Texas given up after defeat, we would not have this great state to call our own. Sure, they lost a battle, but they recooped, came back and won the war. This was only a battle.Don't let this be the reason you loose the war. On Monday I am putting "My House" back on the music and I will leave Last night as a lesson learned long in the past. I urge you as the team and fans to do the same. Go, Fight, Win. JMarc~
  22. hey, we are playing you guys tonight...you have every right to talk smack...its everybody else that should shut it.
  23. I will gladly eat crow tomorrow if we loose. All that is worth supporting my team in their rebirth. And I just hope that every team out there (with their belittling remarks about lumberton) all have a 0-10 season in their near future just so they will know how we feel trying to crawl out of the grave. The Raiders have recovered nicely from last years embarrassing season. I am tired of everyone belittling them...Pick on a team with a winning history and let us build one of our own.
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