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Chester86 last won the day on June 6

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  1. They just opened a new Atwood’s in Lufkin. Twice as nice as liberal TSC. Things like this, that occur after the fact, are just window dressing.
  2. Will make me root against tu even more. Maybe TAMU can get someone even better.
  3. My Alma mater - thanks for the reply.
  4. I feel real - I think.
  5. I guess I’m a fake poster (said in a cartoonish Trump voice).
  6. Best of luck to the new coach. What is his coaching history, just not familiar with the name.
  7. Every Yuppie wants one. Give me a V-8 with loud pipes, and they can have their electric vehicles. Was working a major incident one day and we had a road blocked off. Police vehicles with lights going and a kid pulls up in a Tesla. He - let me stress that HE is sobbing uncontrollably because he is at 5% battery life and HAS to go down the road we have blocked to get to a charging station. He pulled over and literally threw a temper tantrum because we would not let him through.
  8. This has been a great CWS for all involved. The overwhelming majority of the games have been competitive. Would love to see a championship brought back to Blue Bell!
  9. Oh an institution can move away from God, and the USA is running away from God. I am not trying to chase you off - this is a free site. I just wish people would be more open to alternative view points. The devil wants to sow division. Nice to hear you admit that God is love. I generally try to stay off this side of the site - would much rather talk baseball and small town sports.
  10. Delusional and protagonist are words that come to mind. You see I really do not mind dissenting opinions. The problem I have with most of the posts you make is you just want to say something (opinion, law, etc.) is wrong and not offer up any solutions. The problem with America is: #1 and by far the most problematic - we have moved away from God, and #2 we are not the “UNITED” States of America anymore. Division abounds and there are forces at play that want to stir that division and increase it. People don’t talk TO each other anymore they TALK at one another. I’ll gladly talk to someone that will listen, but have no desire to be in the presence of someone who is narcissistic and only wants their opinion to be heard. I fly no Trump flag, I wear no MAGA hat, and truly wish we had another R to vote for. But you trot out Biden or Hillary and I’ll campaign for Trump with my own money.
  11. Remember when someone said they were stepping away from this forum? What a glorious 2 minutes that was. Now, if I may attempt an impression, “You knuckle-draggers are idiots and I am going to sit here and ridicule you about everything! (Tongue sticking out🤪)”.
  12. There was a national media outlet I used to love to watch. I worked midnights for years and would come home and get caught up on all the latest headlines. The anchors were humorous, had catch phrases and presented the sports hi-lights from the previous day. They had fun segments where they would show the top 10 and not top 10 of the night or the week. New ownership took over and started pushing agendas and politics. Sports was pushed down to secondary status after indoctrination. I phased out of watching the channel altogether. Started watching again after years of being away because my favorite sporting event is exclusively on that channel. Lo and behold nothing has changed. They have complete segments dedicated to hi-lighting those on the “front-line” of social change and isolating 98% of the clientele who just wish to watch sports. They have laid off tons of long time and popular hosts. They have fired anchors for not bowing to their woke ideology. Would someone step up and finally create another sports network to compete with the woke 4-letter network? Sad!!!! Sports should be a refuge from the day to day grind. Sports should be a haven to get away from wokeness. You may now tune back to your regularly scheduled programming. I am off the soapbox.
  13. It absolutely pains me to the core to agree with you, but on this I do. Except, that is, for the last sentence - facts haven’t mattered for quite a long time. That is evidenced by the Democratic sitting president and majority in the house.
  14. Must be nice to sit high on a pedestal and just cast dispersions at others while never seeing the blatant errors and misgivings going on directly under your lofty throne.
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