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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. After a loss a lot of people complain about imps (and they were inconsistent), but man the fans for our opponent.....wow!
  2. Pitching change Flatonia, #17. L6, 4-3, Single - Sanchez, E6, BB - Fowers, G Bryan - bases clearing triple (3 rbis), 5-3 Rebels lose 20-8.
  3. Flatonia: Double, HBP, WP, IF Single, FC - E6 - run scores, Single (2 rbis), BB, Single (rbi), FC 5-6-5 - run scores, HBP, K-swinging, 6-2 20 runs Flatonia.
  4. Evadale has bases loaded with 1 out. L4 (great play - diving catch), Ground rule double - P Bryan (2 rbis), K looking
  5. Evadale: Songle - Moye, Pitching change Flatonia, #7 in. BB - Bean, WP, FC 5-3 - Sanchez (rbi), Single - Sinmons (rbi), advances to 2nd on E8, Pitching change Flatonia, #5 in. BB - Flowers, Single - G Bryan, Pitching change Flatonia, #3 in for the 3rd day in a row.
  6. Flatonia (continued): FC 5-3, run scores, throw to 2nd runner safe, and our player gets tangled up with runner allowing another run to score, F9 6 0 0 4 4. 14 8 4
  7. Flatonia: 4-3, K-swinging, E6 (roe), IF Single, WP, BB, Single scores 2, Pitching change Rebels, Sr Gunter Bryan in
  8. Evadale: BB - G Bryan, BB - Williams, K-looking, 6-4 DP 0 0 1 0. 1 5 2
  9. Flatonia (continued): FC 4-6 (call is safe) and run scores, BB, Triple (3 rbis), 3-1 6 0 0 4. 10 6 3
  10. Flatonia: K-swinging, BB, F7, HBP, Pitching change Rebels, Bean coming in. Flatonia has runners at 1st and 2nd.
  11. Evadale: Single - Moye, F7, Single - Sanchez, FC 6-4, Balk (run scores), F9 Rebels leave 1 stranded. 001. 1-5-2
  12. Evadale: 1-3, Single - Flowers, K-swinging, BB, BB (bases loaded), 4-3 Rebels leave the bases loaded for the second straight inning. 00. 0 3-2
  13. Flatonia has #10 on the mound. Evadale: K-swinging, Double - P Bryan, Single - Torres (advances to 2nd on throw home), F9, BB - Bean (bases loaded), K-swinging 0. 0 2 2
  14. Sorry, all that and they needed a cop over on the softball side. Evadale has sophomore Tyler Torres on the mound. Flatonia: 5-3, single, FC/E6 (runners safe at 1st and 2nd), double down the line plates 2 Bulldogs, single (runners at 1st and 3rd), SB, 5-3, HBP, Bases clearing double (scores on overthrow to third), 6-3 6. 6 4 2
  15. Wow! What a difference between the two games. The pressure is evenly distributed between both teams for tonight's game. Tonight should be fun, and most definitely exciting. Hope to see a sea of blue and lots of energy. Let's go Rebs.
  16. Congrats to Coach Lane and the boys. Playing well at the right time.
  17. #18 on the mound for Flatonia. Evadale (continued): K-swinging, 6UA Ballgame, Flatonia evens the series at 1, winning 6-0
  18. Evadale: Single - Bean, F6, Double - Simmons, (Evadale has runners at 2nd and 3rd.) Flatonia pitching change. #3 pitched a heck of a game for Flatonia after throwing 50 pitches last night in the first inning.
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