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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. I have no problem, the truth has proved those officers right on each occasion thusfar. The rush to judgement in each of the cases was far too hasty. I guess the posts served their purpose, garnering lots of traffic.
  2. I'm surprised ONE of our moderators hasn't been posting all of his rhetoric about Madison.
  3. People don't want to hear facts; they don't fit into what the media is telling them to think. That same scenario could happen at any minute in any city and on any street. Officer Wilson did his job, and was protecting the citizens. For any police shooting they still say, "the unarmed shooting of Michael Brown." Heck, even one of our moderators believes what the media posts. Anything to fan the flames.
  4. Not really surprising because: 1) You think he is correct, and there is a culture of racism, or 2) You feel that Holder was committed to making that claim, regardless of whether the officer was indicted? Your statement was little ambiguous, and I was just curious.
  5. I agree with the fact this topic is pointlessly debated. I disagree with your last sentence, and your disbelief in God. If I am wrong, then I am just worm dirt; but I have faith. If you are wrong, you face an eternal damnation. There is proof every day in the beauty of a sunrise. Choose not to believe, but remember that it is your choice. The day is coming when EVERY knee shall bow. Roll your eyes in exasperation, but I think you know...I mean after all, you are ENLIGHTENED.
  6. I filled up yesterday at $1.80, and at that same gas station today it was $1.99. Did some middle-eastern ayatollah get the flu, or they switching to the mysterious February blend?
  7. In my best Mike Tyson voice, "This is just ludicrous!". Not a terrorist group my ___!!!!!
  8. What do you mean by "you guys"?
  9. Tyler Torres has b=en very consistent behind the three point line for Evadale all year.
  10. I thought their secret weapon was Ziva David.
  11. Deceased victim or deceased suspect? Amazing how pictures can be painted by one word.
  12. I have 2 in the freezer, but i've only seen about 4 total. Bright moon hasn't helped much.
  13. What a series. Enjoyed every game, and upset it is over.
  14. Wassn't me. I sighted the boys rifle in at our range here in Beaumont.
  15. How 'but them Royals. Bonus baseball is what it's looking like - Game 7, winner take all. You know the Giants are gonna bring MadBum back on short rest. Who goes for the Royals? I will be at work, but down in the office watching it.
  16. Headed to Chester to take the boys hunting, just left the football game and got the series on in the truck. Come on Royals.
  17. Starts this Saturday, anyone going? Where you going? I'll have my 2 boys up in Chester, in the stands by 615. They are excited, but I think I might be just a little more so. What a great way to make memories with your kids. We hunt on my friend's land and he's been telling the boys about a massive 10 pointer he has seen several times. My youngest says it will be on his wall come February.
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