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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. [quote name="Burkeville Chronicle" post="753583" timestamp="1265103944"]
    23 1A
    "The Lakes District"

    West Sabine

    This is actually a very competitive district.

    [/quote]I'd sure like to see Chester take it and think they have a great shot.  Colmesneil is always tough and West Sabine is always right there too, so I guess it will probably come down to who can avoid injuries, and get their pitching straight. 
  2.     Ron, I hesitate to answer you because I don't want this thread to become a debate about the validity of home-schooling.  It is a decision my wife and I made, and I didn't want the discussion to denigrate against that.  I will explain ever so briefly that there is an increasing number of families that are making this decision.  I have three boys, and I want to provide them with all available opportunities for sports.  It would be a viable option to start a home-schooled select team, but again, I need to know if the interest is out there.
        TD, I really appreciate the support.  Ron, I was hesitant to respond because of the reasons mentioned above.  I was unaware of the home-schooled teams out of Sulpher, and if I don't get a response that is definitely something to look into.  If we were able to get something going, we would start out playing smaller schools, and just see where the talent takes us.  The home-schooled team out of Conroe has won the national home-school world series if I am not mistaken.  Ron, it might turn out that I do put my two younger ones in school, but if this option becomes available I doubt that would happen.  This was just a fishing thread, and was simply meant to gauge the interest.  I will work on getting this posted through HEART, Grace Co-op, and any of the other home-schooling organizations I can think of locally.
  3. It would be a team of home-schooled kids.  Team sports are the hardest thing to organize.  A lot of home-schooled kids will run track, cross-country or play individual sports such as tennis or golf, but team sports opportunities are not there.  In the Houston area they have a lot of co-ops that band together and make teams, and basketball and baseball are the most popular.  I'm just trying to see if there is enough interest for this area.  I have three boys, and the decision gets tough about enrolling them in school or just getting a team together.
  4. "Finally somebody who see it the way it really is, thanks hitman. It is all about MONEY, plain and simple. I have the money, I have the time, I can travel but the one thing I will not do is suck-up! Be real and ask yourself how many times you as a parent kissed the select coaches butt? Also be real and ask yourself why, is this super great, all-world coach, coaching a kids select team? Answer- he could not cut it as a high school or college coach so the last resort is taking suckers money and making tons of promises he cant keep. Good luck with all of that suckers."..............

        Wow, what a post.  I coach select, and it's a hobby, not a job (although many times it feels like a job).  I have a job that pays the bills, and do this because I take an interest in my son.  How can more baseball be a bad thing?  If you did your job 3 months out of the year, 3 times a week you probably wouldn't succeed.  My son loves baseball, and league ball just wasn't doing it for him.  He loves the traveling, he loves the competition, and he wants to get better.  I've been on both sides, and I kind of see what you're saying in part of the post.  A lot of coaches simply play their favorites, and politics does come into play.  You know the solution, you deal with it, you start your own team, or you go back to league ball.  Every coach though has done their best and we have had no complaints.  To group all coaches into the category you did is simply wrong.  I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience with select ball, but it makes the kids better, and it serves a purpose.  I must be doing something wrong, because I'm not making any money coaching, and the only promises I'm making is that I'll do my best.  Oh, I also know I'm not "super-great" or "all-world"....I'm just bumbling through life trying to do the best I can for my kids.
  5. I am curious to find out how much interest there might be in forming a high school, home-school baseball team.  There are several teams around the Houston area, and there is a Home-School World Series in both Texas and nationally in Florida.  If formed, we would start out playing smaller public schools and would constitute a lot of traveling.  I have been asked several times to post this, and well.... there is no football on tonight, baseball season is over and my wife is watching a cooking show so I have the time now.
  6. Rough first day, losing both games.  A lot of errors, and a lot of missed opportunities at the plate, but it sure helps to show where to direct coaching for future tournaments.  A beautiful day, and any day at the park presents learning opportunities.  Football is winding up so hopefully we'll have a practice with more than 5 kids and can start building the team.
  7. [quote name="YellowJacketCoach" post="692171" timestamp="1256980085"]
    Let me handle this for you guys....Yes I am a coach at Chester, Coach Meeker. I do not get on here often just wanted to check district scores to see how everyone was doing and came across this. To deal with the finance thing, as a teacher u either teach multiple subjects and multiple grades 6th-12th. We have 6 total coaches for Jr high and High School. We have 9 total teachers for jr high and hs. We have 4 guy coaches and 2 ladies coaches. 3 of us guys coach football, baseball and basketball. 1 of the other guy coaches is our tech guy who films games and is in the box for football, he also does track and cross country boys and girls. Our 2 female coaches coach volleyball, basketball and softball. As coaches we do not make money for every sport we do we mainly share responsibilities and do our part, life coaching at a small school. Ok now for the football part. We had 17 with us at High Island, had 20 oon the roster but really had 18: 1 hurt previously, 1 other reasons, and 1 was at a hunter safety course. So lets do the count against High Island: 3 with broke bones, 2 head injuries (concussions and spinal damage), 1 shoulder (previously injured as well), and 1 hand (not to serious). 3 finished the game against High Island not bc we wanted them to bc they left everything they had out there. After arriving home that leaves us 10 semi-healthy kids. Here is your choice put more kids personal well-being and health at risk for a game? Ask yourself if you want your kid or yourself put in the line of fire? My job and every teacher, coach, parent and responsible human being is to protect kids and your faced with a decision can you have a kid seriously injured just to finish a season. Sry my friends I could not have done that and obviously there were more ppl who did as well. God puts us in a position to protect and guide children, this will teach them 1. their self worth to a team 2. value of every human life there is 3. how important that "1" person is. No I don't like quitting, but for the best intrest of the kids it was the final decision. Do you think we want to take away something like this for the remaining few, esp srs? TRUTH to address you, you seem to be selfish. You are just worried about the last 2 games of district and not the lives of the kid's They sure did not go through 2-a-days and practice to end it like this. Remember when you talk about hs sports first thing is first the kids, then worry about your school and winning. I am not trying to be rude but I see this in society and ppl talk about the kids like they r empty objects that just are production tools. These kids r our future and it is up to you and I to sculp and mold them into good young men and women of God. About this not being fair no it isn't, life ain't fair. Ask ne woman if she thinks its fair she has to get pregnant and experience all that pain while the husband did his part too. Same in this situationChester kid's did their part but can't have the baby or in this case play. Sry just the first thing that came to my head.I have one thing to leave you with and its this......PSALMS 127:3 "Behold CHILDREN are a gift of the Lord"

    Excellent post coach, get those boys ready for baseball, and my hometown is always on my mind.  Things always have a way of working themselves out, and this will be no different.  God has a plan.
    Tim Bean
  8. Playing in our first tournament this weekend.  I think I am more excited than the kids, but my son said he has to disagree with me on that.  Practice has been tough with football still going, and we've just done what we could with who we had.  It's only going to be a four-team tourney, but I am really looking forward to the competition and seeing exactly where we need to focus our future practices on.  Good luck to everyone playing this weekend, and "Play Ball!"
  9. [quote name="Saints_25" post="689981" timestamp="1256867941"]
    Chester should stay at 11 man football but a few of the players should suck it up and quit bein scared. I think that everyone in the town is scared that someone might be hurt for baseball.  A few years ago nothin was said about the season bein canceled. They just played anyway. It was not a question. The district was way tougher also with Groveton, Lovelady and West Sabine. That showed a tremendous amount of courage by the players that led to them having a winning record last year i believe.  Now everyone is just scared. That bein said i wish the hurt players all the best and hope that they recover quickly.

    Wow..... it's amazing that a psychologist finds the time to post something about one of the smallest 1-A schools in the state.  I mean, you would have to be someone in the mental health field to know how young men and an entire community feel.  To post that the team cancelled the season because they were "scared" is amazing.  When you lose six (6) kids at one game, with several to serious injuries, and you don't have many players to begin with it is easy to see why the district made the decision they did.  I guarantee you that most of those kids disagreed with the school district, but the decision was made anyway.  As far as the six-man thing goes that everyone keeps posting about, logistically it's not feasible.  Six-man football is primarily in west-Texas, and economically it would be very taxing for the district. 
  10. It was a long time ago at Evening Optimist Little League (EOLL) in Beaumont, but Chris was always the man in baseball and I trust what he's saying.  Thanks to you and Jason for giving those of us with kids coming up (10 & 11 year old) sound advice.  It's not falling on deaf ears, and keep on helping those around here that are eager for this type of wisdom.
  11. [quote name="Chester#88" post="687133" timestamp="1256601800"]
    Thank you everyone for keeping you in my prayers. I just want to let Leli know it was nowhere close to being his fault. It was just a freak accident. Luckily there was no broken bones just torn ligaments, torn muscle from the bone, and severe dislocation that went through the skin. I have a ten week. I have a big goal in front of me and thats to be back for baseball. I am happy and it makes this alot easier on me seeing all the people praying and supporting me.

    Well i hope to see High Island on the diamond this year.
    Chester # 88
    Senior 2010

    I know it bites, especially being your senior season.  God has a plan for everything, and I hope you listen closely to Him.  I probably went to school with your parents, and if you need anything at all don't hesitate to call.  Get healed up and ya'll make a deep run into the playoffs in baseball.
    Tim Bean

  12. [quote name="immastar4" post="686660" timestamp="1256578196"]
    [quote author=Chester86 link=topic=61359.msg686534#msg686534 date=1256571123]
    I love my 'Jackets, but they will be limping into this game.  The injury bug hit hard, and the kids will be struggling.  I look for <b>Evilsmell,</b> oops, sorry Evadale (I can't spell) to take this big.  Hang in there Chester, and hope those kids are doing better.

    Hahaha, hilarious. Evadale will beat ya'll, like always, so if dissing their town makes you feel better, so be it. :)

    Man, there was no "dissing" intended.  One of my best friends is from Evadale, and when I pick with him that's what I always called it.  His son is actually on the team right now, and I hope ya'll can have a great run into the playoffs.  Not everything typed is a shot across the bow, I think far too many people take things too seriously on here.  Best of luck to the Rebels for the remainder of the season.
  13. Junior Score:

    Bridge City 24 -
    PNG-White - 23

    This was a very exciting game.  Both teams played hard, and PNG had an opportunity to win it in the end, but a young player dropped a TD pass in the end zone.  The next pass, with about 6 seconds left in the game was intercepted by BC to clinch the victory.  BC came back from a 16 - 0 deficit to win.  Great game by all.
  14. [quote name="BUC4Life#1" post="683092" timestamp="1256232839"]
    I think that both teams are trash and I would rather watch paint dry.  However, I think that High Island will win this one but I could really care less. HI wins 28-21 in a snoozefest.

    Tisk-tisk, such a shame that negativity like that gets posted.
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