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Chester86 last won the day on July 14

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  1. I’m done with you. Best of luck in your life. I try my best to avoid hate, not embrace it
  2. Do not like Harris’s resume, her platform, her insincere approach, her successful coup of the DNC - and would never find a way to vote for her. But I don’t hate her, and do not wish evil or violence to befall her. But hey what do I know, according to some my inability to look past all that makes me a traitor.
  3. I served our country, served overseas in Desert Storm / Shield, served on the streets for the last 32 years…okay, call me a traitor. Broad brush strokes that just don’t paint right. I read your posts and try to see all sides but you are definitely wrong with this one.
  4. Peace, love and tolerance……as long as you believe like “we” do - the Democratic motto. The hatred, and hatred is really putting it lightly, that the media and the Democrats stir up is saddening.
  5. The man can’t even enjoy a round of golf without having to dodge, dive, duck and dodge: [Hidden Content] Fight (fist raised high) Fight Fight!!!!!
  6. Chester86


    In ways it seems like a lifetime ago and in others like it was just yesterday. I was working midnights at BPD. I got home to our house in Mauriceville and was getting ready for bed. I normally watched SportsCenter but every channel was covering what was going on in downtown New York City. I woke the wife up and sat on the edge of the bed watching in disbelief, horror and anger all at once. Our country was instantly brought together. Church rolls skyrocketed as people turned toward God. Sadly, people forget and memories fade. People turn squarely away from God and depravity, separation and divisiveness take back over. As real as “Remember the Alamo” was to our forefathers, “9/11 - Never Forget” is as real to me. Prayers for our country, prayers to those families who paid the ultimate sacrifice that day and prayers for healing, unity and revival. God bless America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  7. Way to go Lady ‘Jackets. Girls are having a great season so far. Chester, Tx, population 317, and one of the smallest 1A’s in the state.
  8. Everyone else hyping their school up - How ‘bout them Yellowjackets!!!!! Taking on Galveston O'Connell this week down on the island.
  9. Chester wins 51-22 over the Penelope Wolverines.
  10. I personally am okay with a little cool down right now. They have a very tough stretch with the Orioles/Phillies/Royals. They split with the Orioles, and if they can win one from the Phillies and split with the Royals I’ll be happy. Hopefully we’ll get some people back, get them acclimatized and back in playing shape, the pitchers who have been slumping can get hot and we can make another deep run. Lots of ifs - but I like our chances.
  11. Chester won the Lufkin Silver Bracket defeating the Orangefield Bobcats 2-1 in match play. Great job by the Lady Yellowjackets!
  12. We shall see in November. All I can do is vote, and then I have done my part. Then the only thing left to do is pray to the Father. Time will tell. Monday, October 21st is the first day of early voting.
  13. This side of the site is like a train wreck - you can’t look away. I haven’t looked this way in a few weeks and I was just looking at the thread titles - my goodness!!!! It’s like you can see the tongue’s sticking out - “Oh yea, well you’re (candidate, party, enter whatever divisive term you want) did this!” I think Rodney King said it best.
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