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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. The Tigers will have a long off-season.  That had to be one of the best games I have ever seen.  I am amazed that you get runners in scoring position, late in the game, and you do not try to squeeze them in.  I know there are risks associated with this, but the Tigers didn't score not trying it.  I think there were several times in the late innings when they had runners at third with less than 2 outs, so they had the opportunities.  I am not sure who I will be pulling for now, because after watching that I am pretty impressed with the Twins organization.  Wow, what a game.

  2. # 6 isn't too bad, and I'm sure hoping it will be a little higher next week.  That Cardinal line continues to improve, and they will be in for a big test this week from "Stang Blue.  Here's hoping that Saturday will be overcast and cool.  While your en route to the game you can come by the Little League field in Bridge City, which is right by STJFL Cardinal Stadium and participate in the GTB ragball tournament.  The game isn't til 1:00, so get a team together and come compete with teams from around the area in the 1st Annual GTB Ragball tourney.

  3.     We played both last year, as I'm sure everyone else did, and I preferred staying in Texas at Ford Park.  For some reason, it seemed like we played more tournaments in Lake Charles, and always seemed to complain when we went over there.  I'm pretty easy going though and we will probably try to even it out and play both venues again this year.  It is a benefit to qualify for both world series, never knowing exactly which one your parents would prefer playing in.  I wish we could have played in both last year, but it worked out that both were in the same week.  Last year we stayed close to home knowing that we had so many families trying to recover from Ike, but I'm hoping 2010 sees us taking a trip to let the kids play somewhere different.  Personally, my vote will be Omaha so I can watch the CWS, but I'll let the parents make the decision.  Can't wait until February gets here, and we can get things going. 

  4. Does anyone know about this organization?  Tryouts were advertised for several weeks in the local papers and we went to Spring, Tx for tryouts.  The guy running the tryout was a scout for the Dodgers, and everything seemed pretty legitimate.  He ended up making one of the 12/13 year old teams and we're making plans to go to Puerto Rico early 2010.  I have asked several people about it and no one has heard anything about them.  I think they are based out of Missouri.  I've done what research I can on the internet, and we're excited about taking the trip.  I would just like to hear from y'all if you have any information, positive or negative.

  5. Back in the day.....(I graduated in '86) Burkeville would put it on us.  I work with Alfred and Tim Spikes, and I told 'em I remembered them....but only ever saw the back of their jerseys as they were scoring touchdown after touchdown.  Everything goes in cycles, but I can't remember the last time we were good for any period of time.....unless you talk about baseball.  We have some strong teams in our district, but I think you are probably going to be close.

  6. Great workout today, and I want to thank the parents and kids for coming out.  The drills are challenging and will improve their skills, and make for a better season in the Spring.  I am looking forward to our 11-U season, and know these workouts will definitely help to improve each player.  If you have not yet made it out, please make plans on attending Sunday from 3 - 5, and bring all your gear. 

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