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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. Nothing like being 18 and told “Write your will - many of you won’t be coming back.”  By the grace of God many make it home - but this day is for those that didn’t.  They knew the possibility was there.  They knew the costs could be high.  Many had already seen friends pass on - yet they pushed forward.  May God hold them close and let us thank them and their families that gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.  FREEDOM is worth the cost.  May God bless you and your families today and hopefully you will take a quick moment to think of the sacrifices that were made for you.  God bless America.  I pray that despite everything we can somehow become United again as a country.

  2. My heart is broken for those parents.  You have such division, hatred and vitriol spewed from all sides.  The layers that exist make it so difficult to keep your moral rudder headed in the right direction.  People spend so much time poured into focusing on everything negative in this country and in the world.  Is it wrong to want to rally behind being an American, and living in the greatest country on the planet?  We have many issues to address and work through, but whatever happened to being united?  Whatever happened to politeness and agreeing to disagree?  We continue letting the government, the MEDIA, and society separate us and our country will not make it through the next world war.  Pray for our country.  Pray for our leaders.  Pray for those parents, that community, those children who lived through this and will have this memory forever.  Pray for our first responders.  Pray for one another.  And - if it’s not to much to ask, may we please have these little things that temporarily take your mind off of the daily troubles?  Not, a woke warrior inflaming the country and being narcissistic.

  3. Baseball - a game (GAME) that takes peoples minds off worldly troubles.  A pastime that is taught and a love that is passed down from our fathers.  A game (GAME) that has withstood world wars, depressions and inflations, and been there in both good and bad times.  Football went woke, and their management seems to love changing and tinkering with their game (GAME).  Now it seems that MLB seems to be okay with going woke.  It is sad.  Have your opinions, protests all you want - on your own time.  But when it comes to paying money to support you while you protest - no thanks.  

    This is the hidden content, please


  4. That would turn us into a 3rd world country….not that we aren’t a razor’s edge slip away right now.  When diesel gets even higher and you’re unable to buy things at the store - because of high prices and lack of availability at least you can feel warm inside knowing you are doing your part to save the planet.  SETX would look weird with all of our refineries closed and rusting, with probably close to 60% of our population looking for jobs, and our local governments looking for ways to fund basic society with no source of taxable income.  Yay - go green.

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