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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. Retired twice and still working, taking care of several properties on my “off” time and still can see that the choice is easy - Greg Abbott.   Believe there are unicorns, rainbow sprinkles and money for endless government programs all you want - the choice is easy - Greg Abbott.  Is it really that hard to see?

  2. Headline coming soon - “Exxon-Mobil has record-breaking quarter”…….also, just had a thought.  Ukraine should hire Fauci.  He’ll declare C-19 is running rampant - DECLARE social distancing and govt shutdowns and Putin would have to withdraw - I mean what choice would he have?

  3. I’ve said it before, but it really is scary how the overwhelming majority just acquiesced their freedoms to government control.  Wear a mask - sure!  Stay home - sure!  Take a shot that doesn’t provide protection - sure!  Require papers to sit down at a restaurant or travel in our free country - “Well gee the govt said it was best” - sure!  Shut down small businesses and take away families livelihood - sure!  But I’m the crazy one…..ummmm, okay.

  4. 2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    can't really pretend to be outraged about this if you've spent the last year making a big deal about Trump's behavior not being important, right?  The right has criticized the left and centrists constantly for being upset about mean tweets, but are quick to jump on Biden for this.  And yes, Biden sucks, so don't get the wrong idea.  That said, the left should be the ones criticizing creepy joe for being mean, and they're all pumped up about it.  They're hypocritical, too.  

    I think that is the whole point - hypocrisy!  They all think this, and they all talk like this behind closed doors.  However, the main point pushed on here is that 45 lost because of HIS demeanor and mentality, but the “other side” routinely gets a pass.  I could care less how they speak, what they type as long as the job of president (putting USA first) is being accomplished.

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