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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. This is from LIBERAL New York:
  2. If Joe says it, it must be right.
  3. Gas prices, inflation, Covid theater, Ukraine, high taxes, spiritual decline (which is actually first on the list), HS mascot controversy at a Disney theme park - one of these does not make the cut of things I’m concerned about.
  4. Lady Yellowjackets win 4-3 in a great game.
  5. West Sabine wins 15-2 over the Yellowjackets.
  6. Wow - that was tough to watch.
  7. Colmesneil, Corrigan are the only other ones that I know of.
  8. But, but, but President Joe said………he is fighting for me - the lil guy (Average Joe)……NOT!!!!!!
  9. The Democratic way - give everything YOU have and “we’ll” disburse it those we feel need it……after taking a lil’ for ourselves. 15.6 billion here, 240 million there……as long as there are checks in the checkbook “we” have money.
  10. “We did it Joe” We took the country straight to the sight of the crash.
  11. Had an interview on 105.1 out of Lufkin this morning with a doctor from the area. It was an unplanned, impromptu interview where the doctor just showed up with “breaking news”. He stated that ALL COVID 19 mandates may be lifted. Said the numbers successfully show that we are officially through with the pandemic. I am trying to find a link to the information but thought I’d share for those of you still wearing masks. He stated only those with immune-compromised systems need wear one.
  12. The comments to the article are a great read. Seems more than SETX see the frivolity in this EV Trojan Horse.
  13. Just wait til the batteries start exploding at traffic accidents, and have to be replaced.
  14. Does anyone else find it convenient that “Electric Vehicles” are being pushed and gas prices are through the roof? I am trying to buy a tractor right now and was told by one dealer that it could take up to six months to fill the order. It just seems really odd that gas prices are now averaging over $4.00 a gallon, “chip” shortages abound, and “supply chain” issues have not corrected themselves. It’s like the government is pushing us away from gas engines. But hey, I’m just a conspiracy nut so what do I know.
  15. Amen to that, grandkids are the best……but I don’t feel that old.
  16. Retired twice and still working, taking care of several properties on my “off” time and still can see that the choice is easy - Greg Abbott. Believe there are unicorns, rainbow sprinkles and money for endless government programs all you want - the choice is easy - Greg Abbott. Is it really that hard to see?
  17. Every Abbott campaign commercial should include this: The governor is just fine and it really shouldn’t be too much of a race. Abbott every day and all day compared to the hamburglar.
  18. I honestly inwardly chuckle every time I see this thread. I still believe it was started as a joke.
  19. Headline coming soon - “Exxon-Mobil has record-breaking quarter”…….also, just had a thought. Ukraine should hire Fauci. He’ll declare C-19 is running rampant - DECLARE social distancing and govt shutdowns and Putin would have to withdraw - I mean what choice would he have?
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