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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Well they are constantly improving the blueprint.
  2. Four years of overwhelming negativity, a total disregard for civility, screams like a toddler throwing a temper-tantrum on election night and NOW we are not being civil. The frustration growing as prices soar, freedoms evaporate, Americans abroad are kidnapped or worse yet left to die behind enemy lines, supply shortages for virtually everything and there is no cause for frustration. I literally laughed, rolled my eyes and became enraged when I read this: [Hidden Content] You can never make everyone happy, but you take care of things at home then there would be no cause for anger. If things in America were rolling like they should be the fact Trump lost would be a footnote in history. You want civility how about giving civility. Laughable!!!!
  3. He did this, gas prices up to a place not seen in seven years in Texas. The article said it adds $17.00 to the average full-up. [Hidden Content]
  4. Grandmaw’s pearls pops up, we still lead 7-5 into the 7th.
  5. Austin - enough said. I’m cool with bringing the capital back to Washington on the Brazos.
  6. Grandmaw’s pearls - aka Pederson hits into the 4-6-3…..there we go.
  7. My sister kept saying, “what are you doing, we’re trying to visit.”
  8. This article made me shake my head and it just kept getting better after each paragraph. Absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING happened to the campaign bus but their feelings were hurt. They were scared, I think it even said “terrified” for their own personal safety. They were headed to Austin for a rally, so I’m sure once they hit their “safe space” they just hugged and cried relieved they made it thru their ordeal. Oh, and they filed a law suit regarding the non-response from law enforcement - talk about frivolous (nothing happened and no one was hurt). Here is the article: [Hidden Content]
  9. Where does this actually sit? Is it included in the 3.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill, the 1.8 trillion dollar bill that just passed? I’m just curious where we are on this, and what we need to do.
  10. Let’s go Sodom on the Brazos (aka Baylor).
  11. Saw a CBS natl news story that said 6 million American children have contracted C-19 and there have been 700 deaths. Now if my math is correct that is a .0001% death rate so where is the emergency?
  12. Way to go Lady Rebs!!!! Best of luck in the playoffs.
  13. Here we go, kick is wide left, 27-26 final NW wins
  14. Kicker in for a 34 yard attempt, NW time out
  15. Complete pass, clock stop at :10, ball at the NW 26
  16. Pass interference NW, Ktz ball at the 50 with :16 to go
  17. Face mask on NW, Ktz will start at their own 44 with :54
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