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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Reminds me of Demolition Man starting Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone.
  2. Live look at my picks versus the actual games this week.
  3. Congrats to all three young men, and that was an excellent post on the quality teams Coach Faircloth puts out.
  4. I played against Burkeville back in the day, and worked with two of the Spikes brothers who were on those teams. I always like seeing teams that have been down having success. It energizes the school and community. Congrats and best of luck this season.
  5. Dang, this would have been a fun game to go to! How ‘bout them Lions.
  6. If you got enough kids go up and play. Man we took some butt-whoopins from everyone back in the day. Losing wasn’t fun, but Friday nights were always the place to be.
  7. “12 - 12 glorious pages about choice……aaaah, aaah, ah!!!!”
  8. Heard the game is officially cancelled and HC moved to October 29th.
  9. 11 pages of “You better get the shot” and “I’m not getting the shot!” Those that decide to get it - bravo, and congratulations. Those that decide to not get it - bravo, that is your choice.
  10. Heard something about this game being cancelled, can anyone from Bulldog Nation verify (WH Fan1)?
  11. They should have made a move to 6-man a long time ago.
  12. Didn’t want to take away or interfere from the UIL one-act play season?
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