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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Hope to see Colmesneil have a good year.
  2. The golden age of no accountability. The age of “no consequences for your actions”. The age of “it’s (society’s, schools’s, govt’s, etc., etc.) fault - not yours.” The age of bo prayer in schools. The age of cursing out loud in public. The age of neutered law enforcement. The age of hate and rage against a country and a system that provides opportunities. The age of “demand what your country can do for you - NOT what you can do for your country.” Jiminy Crickets I could go on and on. The main reason is a country who has turned it’s back on God.
  3. The only problem I see with that cartoon is they are dumping the money in the country and not the Democratic ran cities.
  4. Saw this today and it made me smile: [Hidden Content]
  5. Herd immunity achieved! [Hidden Content]
  6. How does this meet any type of media decorum? [Hidden Content]
  7. Mandating vaccines from employers amid an inability to hire for already open spots. [Hidden Content]
  8. Did any of you think we would ever get to a point in this country where these words were said? Many of you make it plainly obvious that you feel there are no acceptable reasons not to be vaccinated. Those of us that choose not to feel like the governmental vise is tightening and forced compliance will be around the corner. This dead horse (from all sides) continues to get beat, rehashed and re-served in almost every thread. Can we move on to border security, true infrastructure (roads, bridges), national security, crime increases and on and on for things that our government should be working on. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. Love it - FLEEbagger!!! But-but-but, you simply don’t understand the reasons ……..blah-blah-blah!!!!! Utopian world, there are no consequences for YOUR actions, free money and benefits for everyone, healthcare access for anyone, no police needed because the laws don’t apply and on and on. We old, conservative, Christian, back-wood people just need to get on board and we’d finally have a socialist state that would work. Trust them - it’s going to work THIS time.
  10. I think there is a lot of truth to this clip:
  11. Oh yea, TJ had lots of tradition. Always hate seeing those schools close.
  12. My dad was a cop back in the 70’s and would work extra-jobs at the games. We would drop him off and pick him up after the game in the Chrysler Volare’ station wagon. Great memories, with the Record Rack across the street, and the old fairgrounds in the area. Also remember him working Greenie Stadium and we’d get to go to the games. People parking everywhere - that place was crazy.
  13. No medal this olympics for the ladies. Looks like ol’ Rapinoe will have to peddle more sandwiches (btw Subway can keep their samiches). Got to say it made me smile to see this - losing to Canada.
  14. [Hidden Content] From the article: A federal investigation into a COVID-19 outbreak earlier this month in a Massachusetts county that’s home to Cape Cod found that 74% of the 469 infections were among vaccinated people, a finding that raises questions about the prevalence of breakthrough infections. Of the people who reported breakthrough infections, 159, or 46%, had gotten the BioNTech SE BNTX, +5.04% –Pfizer Inc. PFE, +0.05% vaccine; 131, or 38%, had received the Moderna Inc. MRNA, +2.30% shot; and 56, or 16%, had been administered the Johnson & Johnson JNJ, +0.01% vaccine.
  15. Let me know when, would love to have you at beautiful Aubrey Bradley Stadium.
  16. Always fun to start the season with high expectations. [Hidden Content]
  17. Any of those committees are a complete waste of time and taxpayer money. The politicians like to hear themselves talk, pat each other on the back and what will happen? Well - at the end of the day those that did that on January 6th will still be charged and have to face the music for decisions they made. Remember all of the Russian Collusion hearings - nothing happened but wasting money.
  18. They can want to hire a million, but sad fact is the majority of agencies are having trouble finding qualified applicants. The amount being hired is struggling to keep up with the amount retiring.
  19. I understand that many of you look at this from the money perspective, and then the football perspective and it is exciting. I could care less about UT or OU and those angles do not interest me. However when you look at the baseball POV - man I get excited. There will be some top-notch baseball being played in the SEC. Could we possibly see an all-SEC CWS one day soon?
  20. Baseball is steeped in tradition. The appeal of baseball is that it is unchanged and a constant throughout generations. It is great memories of our dads teaching us to play and throwing in the backyard. The Cleveland Indians are a historic organization and this just stinks. In 53 years I have never once thought about the name being offensive. I think of Major League, Jim Thome and the playoff series where the bugs swarmed the field, and lots of good memories. Keep on driving the divisive wedge and maybe next we can go after: 1) Mariners (they kill poor defensive sea creatures), 2) Brewers (drunk driving kills), 3) A’s (Being athletic is exclusionary), 4) Padres (Separation of church and MLB), 5) Rangers (They killed Indians), 6) Yankees (Some northern owned slaves) and on and on and on and on……if you want to be offended nowadays jump on a platform. Ridiculous!!!!!!!
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