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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Can we just take a second and put ourselves in the place of these legislators who have fled to avoid doing their jobs? Whatever your occupation, what would happen if you left your workplace when things got difficult? Dispatch: “911 what is your emergency?” Caller: “Please send help we have a (fire)(heart attack victim)(active physical disturbance). Dispatch: “Unit 12 be en route” Fire/EMS/LEO: “Negative, I will be leaving my jurisdiction - that sounds dangerous.” Plant operator, Teacher, Bank employee, and on and on we would be fired immediately.
  2. From the article: The NFL allowed social justice phrases like "End Racism" to be painted in the back of teams’ end zones, and players were able to honor victims of systemic racism and police violence last year. How is that reporting? That is not a factual and proven statement. That is subjective at best, and is simply not true. If you question my thoughts on this subject please refer to the thread regarding “Systemic racism” that I started.
  3. Door to door vaccine push - “hey and while we are here, do you have any guns?” [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  4. He may be a great guy, but he’ll have to prove he is a better option than Abbott. Besides the C-19 debacle I think he (Abbott) has done a fantastic overall job.
  5. May America humble itself, pray for His mercy, turn from our wickedness and thank the Lord we live in a free society. God bless America!
  6. Hmmm, so she can have her anti-white, anti-Hispanic, and anti-Chinese views - AND protest the flag but don’t dare talk bad about the poor lil’ misunderstood oppressed young lady.
  7. The ‘ship goes to Starkville!!!! Man, I have enjoyed watching this game.
  8. I tried getting our select team to go when I was coaching but the parents always wanted to go to Gulf Shores. My brother had a son late in life and we are already planning our trip when he is about 5. Try to hook him like both of us are on the love of baseball.
  9. I know everyone has their favorite sporting event and claims it to be the best - but the CWS in Omaha takes the cake. The atmosphere, the announcers and the all-out effort and passions these boys give just makes this my favorite sporting event every year. I didn’t watch every inning, but I watched as many as I could. Man I love baseball!!!!
  10. After 5 complete Mississippi State up 5-0. I gotta say I am pulling for them to win the school’s first national Championship in school history. After what the NCAA did to NC state, the Bulldogs have taken over Omaha.
  11. That State pitcher’s pre-pitch gyrations are something else.
  12. After 2 complete, all tied at 1.
  13. Miss St up 1-0 after 1 complete.
  14. Don’t put those masks away just yet (rolls eyes)…. [Hidden Content]
  15. I could care less about this female and had never heard of her before her little stunt. Kaepernick was a QB who had some success until he wanted to right his perceived wrongs. I could care less about him. If you do not like your lot in life work your butt off to change it. No one (unless you are rich or win the lottery) is going to hand you or give you anything. It is a privilege to live here in this country.
  16. Geeeeesh, it’s like we keep going down the same roads over and over. Insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
  17. If this were Russia or North Korea she would never be heard from again. Here in America, the land of the free, she is free to espouse her views. It cracks me up that people feel they need to make these grandiose political statements. It also cracks me up that people can’t see when you disrespect the flag how the overwhelming majority will take offense to it. The reason they do it in the first place - attention…..the “look at me” generation (selfies, Tik-Tok, Instachat and Snapgram, etc).
  18. Another article: [Hidden Content] The last “tweet” they posted from her she stated, “I love my people.” I am going to infer from her other comments that she is not talking about Americans in general.
  19. Bases loaded, nothing out of the infield and he hits a guy, all tied at 1. 1 out for Vandy in the bottom of the 1st.
  20. Hail State up 1-0 with a 2 out bomb in the top of the 1st.
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