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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. NC State - 2021 National Champions! Vandy got booed when they took the field. I am definitely pulling for Mississippi State, but whoever wins this series is tarnished.
  2. [Hidden Content] Dan Crenshaw calls for her removal from the Olympic “team”.
  3. Why is it your place to tell someone when they can protest the protest? I seriously see your posts, rolls my eyes and inwardly chuckle. Hey, everyone is invited to express their views and opinions though so type on.
  4. To think of all the Americans who have shed their blood willingly to provide a blanket of freedom for people to sleep under. Then have seemingly an entire generation and movement be embarrassed to have that flag wave over them as they spew hatred, bigotry and misplaced anger toward it. It is beyond mortifying to think of where we are as a country. This movement of socialism, entitlement and anti-American sentiment has been allowed and encouraged to fester and we are reaping the apathy in all phases of our society.
  5. For those of us who are not hip to the lingo, WLB? Work Life Balance? Weird Looking Baby? Those are the only 2 things that popped up.
  6. Well dang it!!!! I am a State fan the rest of this tourney - beat Vandy!
  7. Well - here we go, 3-3, bottom of the 9th. Does State walk-it-off, or do we go to extras?
  8. Man, that pitching change was the right man at the right time.
  9. Thoughts on the pants ABOVE the knees? I like just below the knee with stirrups, all the way down - not tweeners and definitely not above the knee.
  10. The only sport (along with softball) that I root for UT is baseball. Let’s go ‘Horns!!!!
  11. The news report said that they quickly noticed the slide was locked back and it was that fact why they didn’t protect themselves and the surrounding public.
  12. Man - that is a bitter pill to take and will not soon be forgotten. They already screw baseball with the scholarship restrictions so I guess this shouldn’t surprise us.
  13. Man to advance to the semi’s, have it to a “winner take all” game and then have that once in a lifetime opportunity taken away is simply amazing. That is just unforgivable. If Vandy wins put an asterisk by it.
  14. Vandy wins over NCState 3-1, to force a winner take all for their half of the bracket.
  15. ESPN saying Friday morning at 0900. I guess I’ll have to find somewhere at work for a few hours.
  16. Vandy with an exciting 9th inning come-back win to send Stanford home. That was a fun game to watch.
  17. Oh, and ol’ TR starred in the hit-movie “Night at the Museum.”
  18. Thought this was interesting, as he was one of my favorite presidents to read about, Teddy Roosevelt. Here’s a man that created the national park system, was a war hero, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, chief of police in New York, governor of New York and they are removing his statue. What a country. [Hidden Content]
  19. What would some menu items be at a woke restaurant? LGT-BB-Q?
  20. Congrats to a great man and a great friend. May you enjoy retirement and enjoy watching those grand babies grow up.
  21. Instead of going into differing forum threads, say HS Track and Field, you can hit “Mark Forum Read” without actually going into each different entry. I don’t know that I’m explaining it right.
  22. If you have a “T” on your hat and Orange on your jersey you seemingly left your bats at home.
  23. Chad pitched well, but the Vols take the loss. I think they had 2 on with no outs at least 2-3 times without getting a run in. You’ll never win a game where you score 0.
  24. My dad told me before he passed, “Do I love you when you’ve disobeyed me or disappointed me - Yes!!! God is a Father and He wants your love but understands you’ll fail Him.” Great post Hagar!!
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