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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. 8 pitch inning to start the game, pitching out of a lead-off hit. Great start.
  2. Let’s go Cheddar - and the Vols!!!
  3. Vandy with the win 7-6 in the 12th. Why do you have the infield in, when a double play gets you out of the inning? Pitcher rolls a perfect DP ball to shortstop, he did his job. Not a fan of any west coast teams, but they should still be playing.
  4. Into the 11th we go, all tied at 6. Az and Vandy have played a great game. Wish Texas and Tennessee weren’t in the same side of the bracket.
  5. Where is the “Mark Forum Read” button at? I know you used to could mark individual threads or all of it as read, but I can’t find it anymore. My OCD kicks in when I see something lit up.
  6. Game ended on an obstruction play - double play at second. NC State wins game 1 by a score of 12-4.
  7. Wolfpack get out of it, 6-4 going into the 8th.
  8. Stanford making it a game in the 7th, 6-3, 2 on and no one out.
  9. That is what I wish would happen. I see these elections come and go and they all focus on what they feel people want to hear. Black, yellow, red or white, pandering to the division. Would it be possible for an actual leader to emerge? I see these major events come and just would love to see the president break in and actually speak from the heart. So many opportunities come and go and the abilities to heal and bring people together are squandered.
  10. I don’t see them beating WO-S, but I just see them improving greatly the next 2-3 years. Commit to excellence.
  11. Something tells me that LCM will be much improved and very competitive.
  12. After what Stanford did to Tech a lot of people thought that Stanford was the team to beat coming in to Omaha. NC State dispatched the #1 team in the nation and they have a 4 run lead over Stanford in the 4th. I can’t believe any team would wear black during the day in Omaha.
  13. To the disdain of many I believe there were numerous improprieties in this past election. Too many things just didn’t meet the logic or smell test. With that being said, I am so tired of all these commissions, groups, investigations researching everything. The lines are drawn, we believe what we believe and they believe what they believe. There are ideological and definitive divisions within this country that I fear will never heal. There is manipulation through the varying media formats that are doing their job and doing it well. I truly believe that EVEN if one of these investigations found a “smoking gun” the media would bury it, or that person would be found shot in the back of the head - committing “suicide”. Circle the wagons, prepare yourselves for very tough times ahead, and make things right with God.
  14. Had an observation I meant to post last week; draw your own conclusions. After UT won their super-regional in baseball the team stayed out on the field, horns raised in celebration of the victory with their fans. Is it just football team that has a problems with it? Don’t really care for or follow basketball until March madness so I don’t know about the on-court traditions. Just found it interesting in light of the “controversy” (heavy emphasis on air-quotes).
  15. It’s like Christmas morning as a kid….the CWS officially starts today.
  16. Great article…..got to be around him and Jack when they were young. We had boys the same age and they were always together at the Pony fields in Orange. I’m so proud of both of them, and this is an amazing honor for Chad! I know TD and mom are proud of all three kids, and their love and devotion definitely shine in their kids.
  17. I was talking with a trooper friend of mine the other night. He was telling me they are going about once every 6 weeks down to the border. The thing he told was in about a 15 mile stretch, in one 12 hour period they sent 185 illegals onto buses for transport back across. He said that is not even one of the “hopping” spots on the border.
  18. Here is the first round bracket: Saturday, June 19 Game 1: Stanford vs. NC State | 2 p.m. ET | ESPN Game 2: Vanderbilt vs. Arizona | 7 p.m. | ESPN Sunday, June 20 Game 3: Tennessee vs. Virginia | 2 p.m. | ESPN2 Game 4: Texas vs. Mississippi State | 7 p.m. | ESPN2 What do you think? Me personally, I will be pulling for Cheddar Dallas and the Vols, Texas or the NC State underdog Wolfpack. Regardless, and my wife will be mad, but I will try to watch every game.
  19. Football forum does it the day after the season ends - why not baseball? The following teams ended up in the final season polls: 5A - #1 - Barbers Hill #17 - PN-G 4A - #9 - Orangefield #18 - HJ #23 - Livingston 3A - #11 - Woodville #22 - Buna 2A - #15 - Evadale, Private / Home-School - #2 Good Samaritan Hornets. So who has the hosses returning to carry them to Austin/ Round Rock next year? I know Woodville and Buna were relatively young and return a great nucleus. Evadale returns a great group but lost some really good seniors. Anyone not on the radar that should be? There is always a team that surprises and has a great run. I think of the Bobcats of Orangefield as a team that got hot and surprised a few people. Silsbee has a great core group returning and they were very young this year. The work for a state championship starts now boys - get busy. As a parent it is the best trip you can take, I know I miss it.
  20. He did, I was trying to find the video. They had 3 web-gems and he was pumped - great. But flex toward your own dugout, don’t poke a sleeping bear. The next inning he got in trouble, got pulled, bases loaded and a grand slam to win it.
  21. Man I was really pulling for DBU to get their first CWS appearance, and that was a great game!!! I think when the DBU pitcher flexed after that inning toward Virginia that turned the momentum.
  22. Kopps pitched a great game, and was pretty emotional in the dugout. Hogs had a great season, and this one will sting for awhile.
  23. That’s just the one link I clicked on from Google; not an ardent reader on that site.
  24. Anything on the DBU - UV game? I know it was in a weather delay. I’m stuck at work, and trying to keep up.
  25. Thought this was interesting: [Hidden Content]
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