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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. With a Starbucks Frappe-Latte and a man bun......the Washington State uniform.
  2. I stand behind yoga pants!
  3. Really enjoyed watching the WCWS. Even though I detest Oklahoma, you gotta hand it to ‘em. Scrappy group of athletes! Was nice to watch sports and escape the stressors of life.
  4. I can see the commercials now in 5-10 years, “If you took the C-19 vaccine, in any of it’s variants, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Call 1-800-UBE-NHAD”. [Hidden Content]
  5. To each his own. I think you want me to debate you and become open to the ways of the world. I’m not sure which characteristics you say I lack, but I am okay with who I am. I sin daily, am convicted and do what I can to be the best Christian I can be. I serve a risen Savior and wish you nothing but the best. I believe the topic was Critical Race Theory, and I do not agree with it. Hopefully that gets things back on track.
  6. Your opinion. We home-schooled our three boys and all three are contributing members of society. I appreciate your perspective but I strongly disagree. The right to educate our children in the way we see fit is our right. There is nothing wrong with a Christ-based education.
  7. Home-school your kids. Between the agendas being pushed and the propaganda being spewed teaching your kids is a great option.
  8. I didn’t think they drove trucks in that part of the country. If she had said “tiny flags on Prius antennas” I might have believed her.
  9. Some good Supers lining up. Man I love this time of year.
  10. I would be curious to know how many of our youngsters know what happened on this date. The greatest generation earned their title and paid dearly for the right to be free. I doubt we have too many (if any) who served during that time on our message board, but I bet we all know or have someone in our family who served. Thank-you for the sacrifices that were made that day and all of our WWII vets. God bless America!!!!
  11. Hard not to root for the underdog - JMU. They just tied it up 3 a piece with a 3 run bomb.
  12. Central Connecticut just took a 3-2 lead over LSU in the 2nd and still batting.
  13. He got to play there too, and in my opinion - NOTHING beats Blue Bell Park. It just has that old times baseball vibe with all the amenities you could ask for. TCU is kind of in a bowl and is hot, Texas is right by the highway as is U of H, Texas Tech is really nice as is Baylor and Rice.
  14. Did he ever have it in the first place? The “pandemic” accomplished what the Democrats hoped for.
  15. Have you ever seen their facility? When my son was playing travel ball they played there and every kid on the team (HS JR’s and Srs) was impressed.
  16. Was kind of hoping a guy in SETX might head back east.
  17. Really enjoyed watching all the games yesterday. I hate to say but I was glad to see Oklahoma get beat, and just wish UCLA could’ve lost too. I’m pulling for either Alabama or Ok State.
  18. You might say this new generation is walking on the fighting side of me.
  19. Where will their star player be playing college ball at?
  20. Manners are gone. Common decency and respect for elders is gone. The attitude now is say whatever you want (free speech), do whatever you want (defund the police), act however you want (it’s not your fault - it’s society, the government, your parent’s fault, etc). As people continue to turn their back on God, and as our country continues to distance itself from Him we as a country will continue rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.
  21. Get brought into a room at 18-19 years old and be told, “Make sure your affairs are in order, get your will written out, make your last phone call and load up on this bus!”, and you’ll always appreciate Memorial Day.
  22. When I went to Saudi they told us that most would not come back. Went to an East coast base before flying out and had a guy from my shop who had cross-trained over into NBC (nuclear-biological-chemical). He checked out all the stuff my base had given me and 90% was shelved and on his “do not issue” list. Thankfully, Sadam wasn’t as capable as we thought. All that to say is I can’t imagine being 18, on a ship and prepping to land on a beach. You absolutely know what is about to happen because that is what you’ve been training for. Yet those guys did it, many giving the ultimate sacrifice, to afford us the opportunity to be a free country. God bless our military, God bless those who have sacrificed everything and God bless those families who have received that notification their loved one will never be coming home. God bless America!
  23. Seems like those 2 always have the magic when it comes tourney time. I know McNeese has quite a few players from the SETX Sports coverage area.
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