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Posts posted by Chester86

  1. Let me do a quick check and see if you have posted any sources or articles.  A source (CNN, Fox, etc., etc.) are just a beginning to a conversation.  It’s up to you to look at the article, use logic and independent thinking and determine if you agree or not.  But you know all of this and just like stirring the pot.  I apologize, get to stirring with your wooden spoon.

  2. One of my favorite things to do is read the comments on the different articles.  You get a glimpse of perspective, personal bias, talking points and trends.  While the right has their fair share of nastiness toward the left, look at most of these articles and you’ll see the left.  The left’s keyboard champions are very aggressive and pretty hostile toward anyone that doesn’t agree.  Granted the site where the article originated from has a lot to do with it, but the majority of comments (from either side) already have their mind made up.  Just an interesting observation and was wondering if anyone else had noticed it.

  3. May you have a blessed Sunday morning.  I’m in my rolling office, patrolling but worshipping via my FM radio.


    “There’s no reason to stay in the grave - The Stone’s been rolled away,

    He took to the cross, submitted to death, 

    He loved each of us with His last fleeting breath,

    Then He shattered the locks that were holding the chains,

    Took back the keys to every prison you’ve made,

    We can live in this freedom today - The Stones been rolled away!!!”


    Politics, sports, careers, pain and suffering will all fade away but there is eternal life awaiting if you’ll just believe.  May God bless each of you this week.

  4. 4 hours ago, InMAGAWeTrust said:

    Bias media, but then post a Fox News link? Man what?!? 


    Okay (against my better judgement) I’ll bite.....where should I get my news.  I typically scour everything from Yahoo (Uber liberal), NewsBreak (which is headlines from all over), KFDM, 12NewsNow, Police One, KJAS and the Tyler County Booster.  As a Christian, conservative, and a hundred other labels people might want to place on me - where (in your opinion) is a reliable news source?  

    The article is stating that the majority of the news (coming from the judges opinion) is all one-sided.  Objectively speaking, do you agree?  I tend to be very skeptical of anything outside the local news.  Local news is easily verified.  Breaking news....(insert local business name) had a robbery. It will be covered, therefore somewhat verified by multiple sources.  However statewide and national news is much more difficult to verify.  You know all of this.  So serious question, I should shun Fox News and simply trust CNN?  George Stephanopolous (sp) and ABC news is trustworthy?


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