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Everything posted by Chester86

  1. Okay (against my better judgement) I’ll bite.....where should I get my news. I typically scour everything from Yahoo (Uber liberal), NewsBreak (which is headlines from all over), KFDM, 12NewsNow, Police One, KJAS and the Tyler County Booster. As a Christian, conservative, and a hundred other labels people might want to place on me - where (in your opinion) is a reliable news source? The article is stating that the majority of the news (coming from the judges opinion) is all one-sided. Objectively speaking, do you agree? I tend to be very skeptical of anything outside the local news. Local news is easily verified. Breaking news....(insert local business name) had a robbery. It will be covered, therefore somewhat verified by multiple sources. However statewide and national news is much more difficult to verify. You know all of this. So serious question, I should shun Fox News and simply trust CNN? George Stephanopolous (sp) and ABC news is trustworthy?
  2. Two competitive games, Pirates must have a good team this year.
  3. Trump’s fault, here is proof. Impeach him!!!!
  4. Two quick things: 1). I thought this to be an interesting article: [Hidden Content] 2). I might need to trademark (TM) this, but along with point 1 is this: BIAS = BIden /Harris
  5. When I see a post from InMagaWeTrust this is what I immediately think of: A big ol’ wooden spoon trying to stir things up.
  6. I knew you were anti-semantic
  7. Who is the favorite this year in the district?
  8. Come on man! Hopefully that affordable medical care will cover broke arms from patting themselves on the back. 1 out of every 2 kids hungry right now will not be hungry anymore. Come on man! All we need to do is look to the woke, enlightened Democratic run cities now for success stories.
  9. I wonder if that is the Houston Northside Falcons? If so, that is a home-school team that is usually pretty salty. I know Kelly always gets a lot of the west-end talent but hopefully WB can have a great season. I’ve always liked their coach.
  10. Got a cousin playing for the Tigers....should be a great game.
  11. It really is painful to watch. 50% of children taken off of poverty.....and 90% COVID-centric.......oh my!!!!!
  12. We have moved all over SETX and have friends in a lot of different communities. Baseball is my main love when it comes to sports. What I ask is report your scores. I read almost every post when it comes to HS Baseball, but it’s hard to keep up with who’s hot, who’s not, who’s got a chance and who is rebuilding. It doesn’t take a long time and I’m not asking for pitch by pitch. I keep up with THSB and THSBCA, but they also don’t always have the latest standings. Teams are through tourney time and starting district play so all I ask is keep us updated on your team. I guarantee there is someone out there (besides me) trying to find a final or how lil’ Johnny did at the plate or on the mound. Best of luck to all our area teams and all the young men playing - ENJOY EVERY MINUTE!!!!
  13. So did one kid beat a Silsbee team in the regional finals?
  14. Man I started - but then just took a deep breath and left. It was obvious he was looking for confrontation. It just wasn’t worth it. I’m thinking of trademarking a new phrase, Systemic Face-ism. Sad thing is, my wife had a shopping list a mile long.....we just shopped elsewhere. I personally had just given Target a chance after the bathroom fiasco. They just went on my permanent “Do not enter” list.
  15. Definition of fascism 1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocraticgovernment headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
  16. I ask the enlightened left - “Is this fascism”?
  17. The face mask nazis got me at Target. “Sir you can’t enter without a mask”. This being uttered by a young man with his mask down below his nose. Try to spend money and they won’t let you. What is funny also is that no one is enforcing it but this place - been all over the city.
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